Chapter 1316 Black Armored Snake

Chapter 1332

Zhongwen took the tree fork he handed over, trimmed it with a dagger, and shortened the long branch: "The black armored snake is not a very big snake, and the fork is too big to catch it. It's just right."

Miki was still a little nervous, but he didn't feel afraid when he followed Zheng Bo and Wan Kun.

They seem to know everything and are not afraid of anything. In front of them, there are no difficulties and obstacles at all. He envies and admires them very much.

When the footsteps stepped on the hill, a heat surged up from the soles of the feet, as if the earthy heat could burn through the soles of their shoes.

The dark red soil was very dry, and every step he took would bring up acrid dust. If medicinal herbs could grow on such land, it would be a miracle.

"Look quickly." Wan Kun pointed to a green plant not far ahead.

The three of them stepped forward quickly, and the stem and leaves of the green plant were exactly the same as the portrait in Wan Kun's hand, except that there was no flower, and the flower seemed to have been bitten off, and there were still obvious tooth marks on the green stem.

"It must be a black armored snake, it's nearby."

Wan Kun quickly glanced around, and said: "It has already left, and this flower has been eaten, and it will definitely not come back. Let's continue to search for the Amitabha flower, and we must find the intact Amitabha flower that has not been eaten."

The three of them continued to move forward, and every hundred steps they would find an Amitabha flower. Although the petals were bitten off, it was still alive and was gathering strength to regenerate.

"Here is one, come and see." Miki excitedly greeted the two who were looking for Amitabha in another place. He finally found a complete Amitabha. It is a beautiful flower, but it is very poisonous. If you dare to touch it, you can only wait for them to come over before making a decision.

Zheng Zhongwen and Wan Kun rushed over after hearing the cry, and they were about to run to San Yao's side in front of them. They suddenly stopped, and Wan Kun whispered: "San Mu, don't move, don't move."

Miki saw Wan Kun's and Zheng Bo's expressions changed drastically, and he was in a bad mood, knowing that there must be something dangerous behind him.

He remained silent as he said, sweat dripping from his forehead.

Wan Kun held the golden needle between his fingers, and when he saw the right moment, his wrist shook slightly, and the golden needle came out of his palm, nailing to the ground the black armored snake that had leaped into the air and bit Miki's back.

Zheng Zhongwen rushed forward and pulled Miki away, behind him was the dying black armored snake.

Wan Kun stepped forward to check and sighed: "Unfortunately, I can't survive."

Zheng Zhongwen said: "It doesn't matter, as long as the Amitabha flower is here, are you afraid that no other black-armored snake will come again?"

They dug a hole for the black-armored snake and buried it, and continued to guard near the Amitabha flower. After a while, as expected, another black-armored snake came smelling the fragrance of the Amitabha flower. It is in the shape of a black circle and looks like it is covered with a layer of armor, so it is named black armored snake.

Its head is triangular in shape, its eyes are blue and green, its body is more than ten feet long, and it is about the size of two fingers of an adult. Its appearance is not very vicious, but it is extremely vicious.

The three surrounded the black-armored snake from three directions. Wan Kun held a golden needle in one hand just in case, and held a wooden fork in the other.

The black-armored snake moved quickly, and as soon as it sensed something was wrong, it turned around and ran away. Zheng Zhongwen also missed, and the black-armored snake ran towards Miki.

Miki was apprehensive, but when he thought of his dead father and brother, he gritted his teeth and rushed forward with the wooden fork, thinking that he would also miss nothing, but he didn't expect that the wooden fork stabbed Hei The belly of a snake.

(End of this chapter)

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