Chapter 1317
Chapter 1333

Zhong Wen and Wan Kun arrived in time, put the black armor into a special leather bag, and the three of them breathed a sigh of relief after locking it.

Zhongwen said: "It's not too late, let's go back quickly."

The three of them left Bumao Mountain in a hurry. Just after they walked out of Bumao Mountain, they heard a loud bang from behind, like a muffled thunder exploding behind them.

They looked back and saw that the top of the barren mountain was emitting thick smoke, as if the mountain was on fire.

Miki said in surprise: "No, this mountain is about to erupt in flames, let's run quickly."

No wonder the closer they got, the hotter they felt. Even though they were running fast, they were still knocked down several times by the heat wave, and the forest behind them turned into a sea of ​​flames. They ran desperately, just like the fleeing animals in the forest, for the sake of Live and run desperately.

The heat wave behind them gradually subsided, and they no longer had the feeling of burning their buttocks, and they finally dared to stop and look back.

The thick smoke and the flames soaring into the sky were already very far away from them, and it wasn't until this moment that they were sure that they had escaped a catastrophe.

The three of them slumped on the ground, panting heavily and giggling.

San Mudao: "It turns out that the old man in the village said that there is a mountain here that can breathe out fire, so it's not a lie."

Wan Kun took a sip of water and sighed, "If we had been later, we would definitely be dead now."

Zhongwen laughed: "If you survive a catastrophe, you will surely have a future blessing. Let's go, let's continue on our way."

Finally, before dark, they left the mountains and returned to the small village in the city.

Mimuniang was sitting in the small courtyard looking forward to her son's return. Seeing her son returning safely, tears could not stop falling down: "Sanmu, why are you coming back now? I'm so anxious."

In the past, Sanmu went to the mountain and returned on the same day, and never spent the night in the mountain. Seeing that her son did not return all night, Sanmuniang was worried.

Miki stepped forward to support his mother, and said with a naive smile: "Mother, I'm back now, it's fine, I'm not hurt at all, mother, don't worry."

Sanmuniang nodded, wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, and called Wan Kun and Zhongwen to sit down: "Sit down, I'll cook."

Sanmu hurriedly stopped his mother: "Mother, you are not in good health yet, don't move around, go back to the house and rest, I will cook."

Sanmuniang was indeed unable to do what she wanted, although her spirit was better than before, she still had no strength in her body. Cooking a meal was not as easy as it said.

She nodded: "Alright, go ahead, don't get tired."

After Sanmuniang entered the house, Wan Kun and Zhongwen stood up and said goodbye: "Sanmu, thanks to you this time, we are eager to bring the black armored snake back to the capital to save people. We can't delay any longer, and we are leaving now."

Miki was really reluctant: "It's getting dark, don't you want to stay overnight? I'm afraid the gate of the city has been closed when I go out now."

Zhongwen shook his head: "It's okay, we have our own way out of the city, Miki, you are a good boy, you shouldn't waste your life here, if you want, you can take your mother to the capital to find us, I live in the Prince's Mansion, Wan Kun Living in Wanfu, Kyoto, if you are willing to join the army, I can arrange for you to enter the barracks. If you are willing to do business, Wan Kun can help you with this. No matter what you do, it is much better than staying here and hunting for a living all day. "

Miki knew that they were not ordinary people, but he didn't expect that Zheng Bo's background was so big, he was actually a big man from the palace of the capital.

He thanked him again and again, and his heart was a little moved. He didn't want to stay in this place for a long time, but although the world was big, he didn't know where to go.

(End of this chapter)

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