Chapter 1339 Zhuangzi
Chapter 1355

Nian Wen was stunned, and looked at Wan Kun in disbelief: "What did you say? What happened to the master? Maybe something happened to my parents? What exactly happened?"

Wan Kun frowned, planning to swallow all these troubles by himself, but right now, it seemed that he couldn't hide it anymore.

"Wen'er, you were injured this time. Rishang officials sent someone to do it. We suspect that Shangguan Tuo and the queen are planning to rebel."

"We've been collecting evidence. We didn't expect them to do it so quickly, even the emperor. This was unexpected. They caught us by surprise. We will definitely not be able to go back to the capital right now."

Zheng Nianwen stayed where he was. Those palace changes that were only heard about in rumors really happened again?Her relatives are all involved, but at this moment, she can only watch helplessly?

Wan Kun grabbed Nianwen's arm and said in a deep voice, "Wen'er, don't worry, this matter has not yet been decided, we still have a chance."

"What should we do? What should we do now?" She never thought that in her lifetime, she would encounter such a thing. Now she is in a mess and doesn't know how to function her brain.

Wan Kun said: "Let's find a place to live first, hide our names, and secretly inquire about the situation in the palace and the palace. This is also arranged by the princess before. She is afraid that something will happen when she enters the palace today, so let me take your siblings with you early in the morning." The two left and asked me to wait for her letter. I left a code along the way. If the princess and the prince are safe and sound, he will definitely send someone to find us. Of course, we can't just wait. I will go to the city in disguise tomorrow morning to inquire Happening."

Reading the text has gradually calmed down at this time, listening carefully to Wan Kun's analysis, knowing that there is no other way at the moment, so he can only nod: "Okay, I will listen to you."

Wan Kun glanced at the official road outside the forest, and said in a low voice, "Right now the inns and posthouses are unavailable, we have to find a farmhouse or Zhuangzi or something to borrow."

There is no objection to reading the text, it is indeed inappropriate to enter the city at this time, there may be many enemies waiting for them to throw themselves into the trap.

After leaving the woods, they didn't stay on the official road, but walked directly across the official road to a small path. Looking from here to the distance, they could faintly see some corners of the houses, with the smoke from the cooking.

After walking through a wild path, they stood at a fork in the road. The road on the left led to a small village, and the road on the right was a Zhuangzi near the water. It didn't look like a property owned by a big family. It's not big, but the shape is elegant.

The two looked at each other, and at the same time decided to go to Zhuangzi to stay overnight. After all, there are too many people in the village, so it is not as quiet as Zhuangzi.

The person who opened the door was a woman in her early thirties, wearing coarse clothes and holding a handful of vegetables in her hand. She looked at them and asked, "Who are you looking for?"

Wan Kun hurriedly said: "Sister, we are here to stay overnight. We originally made an appointment with our friends to meet up on the official road ahead, but we waited all day and night but no one came. Seeing that there are people here, we came here. Lodging, oh, we don’t eat and live for free, we can give money.”

The woman took a closer look at the two of them again, and said, "You wait, I'll go in and ask."

The woman turned around and closed the door, and the quiet melody escaped from the crack of the door, making the ears of those who listened drunk.

She read the text and said: "This person's piano skills are very good, no worse than my mother's." She thought that the music played by my mother must be the best in the world.

(End of this chapter)

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