Chapter 1340 Self-blame
Chapter 1356

Wan Kun nodded: "That's true. It must be a woman. The tune is very soft, neither floating nor dry."

After a while, the woman came back again, opened the door and said, "My lady invites you to come in."

Miss?Could it be the person who just played the piano?

The two entered the yard. The yard was smaller than imagined, and it was very clean. Some flowers and plants were planted in the corner, which added a little elegance to the simplicity.

The woman said: "My lady said that since you are in trouble, it is right to help you, and the rent is free. I will take you to the guest room now, and I will call you after I cook the lunch."

Wan Kun and Nian Wen thanked each other again and again, knowing that they met a kind person.

Read the text: "I want to thank your lady face to face."

The woman waved her hand: "No, no, I'll meet you at lunch later. My lady is busy right now, so I'm afraid I won't have time to see you."

At this time, the sound of the piano has stopped, and I don't know what the girl who just played the piano is doing now. I am really curious in my heart, what kind of person is the woman who can play such a tune.

The woman led them to the bungalow at the back of the courtyard. There were two small bungalows, one was piled up with sundries, and the other was converted into a guest room. There were simple tables, chairs and wooden beds in it, and nothing else.

After leading them to the place, the woman turned around and went back to the front yard, continuing to wash vegetables and cook.

Zhuangzi is not very big, the back yard looks bigger than the front yard, but it is also the kind of big that can be seen at a glance, except for them, there is no one else.

Wan Kun pulled Nian Wen to sit down at the table in the room, poured her a bowl of water, and said in a low voice: "Wen'er, I know you are anxious, I am as anxious as you, but now is not the time to be impulsive. We must take a long-term view and must not act rashly."

Read the text and nodded: "I understand, I was really too impulsive before, but now that I think about it carefully, if I really rushed back to the city to save people, wouldn't I just say that they wanted them? Then my parents, my younger brother, Master and Wan Dae will spend a lot of money. , and the emperor's uncle, isn't there no hope at all?"

Seeing her calm down, Wan Kun was very happy, but after reading the text, he said: "I want to go to the city tonight."

Wan Kun immediately frowned: "Didn't I say that I will go to the city to find out, you stay here."

Read the text and shook his head: "Inquiries are inquisitions. I want to go back to the palace. Xiaobai is still in the mansion. To save me, he has been in a coma until now. I can't leave him alone. If something really happens to the palace, those bad guys, How could you let it go?"

Wan Kun thought for a while, and said, "Well, I'll go find out the situation first, and then I'll go to the palace and bring Xiaobai back."

Reading the text was a little worried: "Can you do it alone? What if you startle the snake?"

Wan Kun laughed and said, "It's better for me to be alone than to take you with me, the injured?"

He also laughed while reading the text, looked at himself again, shook his head and sighed: "Why am I so useless? I have learned martial arts for so many years, but when it comes in handy, I—"

Wan Kun said: "Don't blame yourself, how can you blame this, the enemy is in the dark and we are in the open, and we are not prepared. We are counted by them, and we are unlucky, but this also gives us a chance to take precautions, no As for letting them settle in one fell swoop, the two of us are still free now, as long as we are free, we must still have a chance."

The two were talking, when a woman's voice suddenly came from outside: "Miss, the meal is ready, my lady invites you to come over."

(End of this chapter)

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