Chapter 1348

Chapter 1364

The little eunuch wished to leave this place quickly, he brought people here, if he did something here, he would be responsible for it, so it would be best if he was willing to leave now.

When turning around, Wan Kun looked at Mr. Wan. Mr. Wan shook his head at him, signaling him not to act rashly. The palace is no different than other places. There are many masters here and the guards are strict. The two old, weak, sick and disabled escaped unscathed.

They are old, it doesn't matter if they are dead or injured, they have lived enough, but the son is still young, and he doesn't want anything to happen to him.

As soon as the two of them reached the door of the cell, the cell boss who was drinking and chatting suddenly stopped them: "Wait, are you from that palace?"

"Hui, Hui lord, Zhao, Zhao Yuan Hall." The eunuch's heart was beating wildly, his face turned pale with fright, and his legs trembled violently.

The cell boss was not a vegetarian, he was just asking casually, seeing the eunuch's reaction, he immediately became suspicious, turned his eyes to wink at the two brothers beside him, the three of them stood up together, and walked towards them.

"The empress's palace? Why do you look so unfamiliar?" As the three walked, their hands were already holding the handle of the knife at their waists.

Wan Kun secretly thought that something was wrong, the three of them clearly became suspicious, and a big fight might be unavoidable.

He rolled his eyes, the prison cell was obviously very unfavorable to him, if he wanted to be beaten, he had to go outside to beat him, and it would be easier to get out.

Before the three of them approached, he pushed the eunuch beside him away, slipped his footsteps and jumped out of the cell.

The cell boss shouted: "Stop him, stop him quickly."

When the guards outside heard this, they quickly surrounded Wan Kun and blocked Wan Kun's way. Wan Kun was also unambiguous, and before the guards had figured out the situation, he preemptively attacked and took the lead.

However, this must be a heavily guarded imperial palace. He only needs to howl a few times, and a large number of masters will come to help. To escape, the guards chased desperately, and they chased all the way into Zhaoyuan Hall, and stopped Wan Kun in the garden of the front hall of Zhaoyuan Hall.

The scene was chaotic again, and Wan Kun was seriously injured soon after. He was stabbed in many places by the long sword, and his khaki clothes were stained red with blood.

Shangguan Yao asked Zhu'er: "What is the noise outside?"

Zhu'er hurriedly said: "Ri Wankun, he sneaked into the palace and was stopped by the guards of the Habayashi. It seems that he can't escape."

Shangguan Yao frowned slightly, and said immediately: "Go and tell them, they are going to be arrested, I want to know the whereabouts of Zheng Nianwen."

Zhu'er hurried there, and soon Wan Kun was escorted into Zhaoyuan Hall.

Seeing his injuries, Shangguan Yao frowned and said: "Why are you injured like this? What if you die soon? Lock him up first and find an imperial doctor to treat his injuries. You must not let him die, understand?"

Commander Habayashi immediately took orders and ordered people to carry Wan Kun away.

After the person left, Zhu'er asked: "Your Majesty, you just want to ask about Zheng Nianwen's whereabouts, why are you treating his wounds?"

Shangguan Yao said: "He was so injured that it was difficult for him to speak. If he died before he could explain why, who should I turn to? Besides, he is the sole heir of the Wan family. If he dies now, the Wan family's If we want to get those properties, I'm afraid it will take a lot of effort, if we keep him, wouldn't this matter be much easier?"

Zhu'er smiled openly, "Your Majesty is more thoughtful."

(End of this chapter)

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