Chapter 1349 Ridiculous, pitiful!
Chapter 1365

Shangguan Yao said: "So, it is more useful for him to be alive than to be dead. You should keep an eye on him and he must be cured. Don't let him die."

Zhu'er nodded: "Your servant understands, there is one more thing. I followed your order to go to the prison yesterday. Mr. Wan is fine, but Jian Yun seems to be not very good. Mr. Wan asked the servant to tell the empress, and ask the empress to help her. Ask a doctor."

Shangguan Yao frowned: "Since what happened yesterday, why are you talking about it now?"

Zhu'er laughed dryly twice, "Go back to your mother, the Japanese slaves are negligent, please ask your mother to calm down."

Shangguan Yao became more and more dissatisfied with Zhu'er. After several days of secret observation, she found that most of the court ladies in Zhaoyun Palace obeyed Zhu'er's orders. Perhaps in their hearts, Zhu'er was their master.

Ridiculous, poor!
Just imagine, if she did not agree with her brother's proposal at the beginning, she might be replaced by a counterfeit just like the emperor.

"Forget it, you send someone to invite the imperial physician to take a look at it now, and treat it as you like. It will be of great use for Jian Yun to keep it."

Zhu'er was puzzled: "I don't understand, Jian Yun, she saw through the secrets, and she was spared to lure Qi Rongyue and Zheng Zhongwen into the bait. Now that Qi Rongyue and Zheng Zhongwen are dead, what's the use of keeping her?" ?”

Shangguan Yao looked at her sideways, with a smile that was not a smile, "Who said Qi Rongyue and Zheng Zhongwen are dead? Has anyone found their bodies?"

Zhu'er shook her head: "That's not true, but if you fall off that cliff, how can you survive?"

Shangguan Yao thought of the scene when Qi Rongyue pushed her off the carriage that day, Qi Rongyue's expression didn't look like she was going to die, and they went up to the cliff on purpose, obviously they already had a way out No way, she believed they were not dead, certainly not dead.

"Since no body has been found, there is still a possibility of being alive. If one day they bring their troops back, aren't Jian Yun and Mr. Wan the best shields?"

Zhu'er felt that although what the empress said had some truth, it was still a bit far-fetched: "Empress, even if they come back with troops, can they still be our opponents? We have an army of 20 from the east, and the three thousand guards in the palace Wei, the five thousand patrolling guards outside the city, what are they fighting us for?"

Shangguan Yao cast a glance at Zhu'er, thinking that this girl is really hiding her secrets and understands the situation so well.

"Don't forget, the two of them, one is the princess who protects the country, and the other is the side-by-side king. They are not ordinary people. It is said that the black cavalry army in Xijiang, except for the emperor, can only be mobilized by Zheng Zhongwen. The name of the black cavalry army must be yours. I've heard that if he comes back with the black cavalry, will the Habayashi guards and patrol elite guards be able to stop him?"

Zhu'er hurriedly said: "No matter how powerful the black cavalry army is, they only have 1 people. How can they withstand our 20 Dongli army?"

Shangguan Yao snorted, "Dongli's 20 troops are used to guard the border areas, how can they be transferred at will? If this is still the case, wouldn't Longxi's 20 troops also obey Zheng Zhongwen's orders? How could he transfer troops at will?"

After all, Zhu'er is a girl, although she has gained more and more knowledge over the years, her eyes and mind are naturally not as good as Shangguan Yao who has been familiar with the art of war since she was a child.

Zhu'er smiled and said: "My lady taught me that the slaves and maidservants are short-sighted, so the servants and maidservants will send someone to invite the imperial physician."

Shangguan Yao nodded: "Well, go, don't do this again next time."

Looking at the back of Zhu'er retreating respectfully, Shangguan Yao's solemn expression became more and more intense.

(End of this chapter)

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