Chapter 1350 A Chance to Redeem

Chapter 1366

What should she do to save everyone's life?

Only by saving their lives can she have a chance to make amends.


"Old man, please inform me that I want to see King Jin."

Seeing the scorched face of the young man in front of him, the gatekeeper hurriedly asked, "Your surname?"

"My surname is Zheng, Zheng Nianwen, and I ask the old man to pass it on to you." She said anxiously.

The old man nodded hurriedly: "Okay, please wait a moment, young master, I'll go right away."

The door closed again, and she paced back and forth in front of the door, distraught.

Not long after, the old man opened the door and came out, and said with a smile: "Young master, please, the prince is waiting for you in the study."

Zheng Nianwen nodded: "Please ask the old man to lead the way."

The two entered the mansion in a hurry and went straight to the big study of Prince Jin's mansion.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, Min Hengzhi raised his head, and in the backlight, the girl with light footsteps quickly came to him, in a trance, he seemed to see Rongyue back then.

"Uncle Min—" Nianwen's eyes were red, and his voice choked up as he stood in front of the long desk.

Min Hengzhi got up and walked out from behind the desk, "What's wrong with you? What happened?"

Zheng Nianwen knelt down in front of Min Hengzhi with a plop: "Uncle Min, my parents and master have all had accidents, please ask Uncle Min to help me save people."

Min Hengzhi hurriedly pulled Nianwen to stand up: "What happened?"

Zheng Nianwen explained the current situation in detail, and Min Hengzhi's complexion changed again and again: "So, something happened to the emperor?"

Read the text and nodded: "It must be, otherwise how could the emperor's uncle detain the master in the palace, how could he send someone to assassinate me, let alone arrest my brother."

No one knows the relationship between Rongyue and Tianqi better than Min Hengzhi. Tianqi would rather get hurt himself than let Rongyue and her children get hurt. Yes, then the sky in the palace must have changed.

He didn't know what happened in the Chu Palace, even Zheng Zhongwen was killed.

"Don't worry, I'll send someone to investigate right away, Wen'er, don't worry, with me here, I will never allow anyone to hurt your mother."

Read the text and nodded, tears could not stop falling: "Thank you, Uncle Min."

"You go to rest first, I will go to the camp to order soldiers, and we will set off for the capital tomorrow morning. If someone really wants to harm the emperor and the side-by-side palace, even if I risk my life, I will definitely rush into the palace to kill you!" They got out."

He was anxious to read the text, and Min Hengzhi was equally anxious. He was not only worried about Rong Yue and Zhong Wen, but also worried about the safety of his master and the emperor. Shangguan Tuoren was still in Dongli. He knew all the soldiers, and if he came forward to explain, maybe he could lead the troops into Beijing without bloodshed, and go straight to the palace gate.

But if Shangguan Tuo has already come to the capital from Dongli, things will be difficult to handle. An old traitor like him will definitely hold the military orders in the capital city first. At that time, he wants to enter the city , there is no other way but to kill him.

After Min Hengzhi left, Nian Wenchao's servant who led the way asked, "Is your concubine there? I want to pay my respects to the concubine." Since I came to the family's house, I didn't see her, and it was not in accordance with the etiquette.

The servant turned his head to look at Nianwen, and thought to himself, isn't she called Uncle Wang?Why don't you even know if the prince has a concubine?

"Returning to the son, my prince has not yet married a wife, and there is no concubine in the mansion." The servant said.

(End of this chapter)

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