Chapter 1351
Chapter 1367

No concubine in the house?She had heard this rumor before, and she thought that the rumor that King Jin never married was just a rumor, but she didn't expect it to be true.

Thinking of the way he looked at King Jin when he first met King Jin at the foot of Qiliang Mountain, there seemed to be an inexplicable emotion in his eyes.

Could it be that he also liked his mother back then, and chose his father first because his mother rejected him. When he was sad, he never married and never returned to Beijing?
This sounds a bit exaggerated, even though Lord Yin and his mother had a marriage contract, didn't they also take a wife after parting ways.

She shook her head, and it seems that now is not the time to think about the love history of the older generation. No matter what happened back then, it is over. Uncle Min is willing to send troops to rescue her. She is very grateful. They figure it out themselves.

Early the next morning, Min Hengzhi led [-] soldiers and led Zheng Nianwen to the capital. Without notifying the capital in advance, he led the troops directly to the direction of the capital.

If this kind of behavior was in a peaceful and prosperous age, it could be classified as treason, but now the situation in the court has changed, and the counties along the road have received relevant secret reports. He pretended to be deaf and dumb, just as if he didn't know about the King of Jin leading troops to Beijing.

I thought there would be many obstacles, but I didn't expect it to be so smooth. The smoothness made people surprised and suspicious.

It is reasonable to say that they pretended to be deaf and dumb and ignored them in a few cities around Jincheng, but they were close to Kyoto, almost approaching the station of the patrol battalion, and they still didn't see half of the people who came out to block the way to inquire. This is too strange .

Nian Wen also frowned, and she asked Min Hengzhi, "Uncle Min, it's so strange that I didn't even see anyone on the way."

Min Hengzhi nodded: "That's true. Don't say that there are thousands of people in Wang Xing, even if there are hundreds of people, we will be stopped and interrogated in the nearby patrol camp, but today it is surprisingly quiet here."

Nianwen glanced at the large camp in front of him. Dad often came here to drink with General Fuhu, and she also came here twice. There are a large number of sergeants practicing here every day. Even if General Fuhu is gone now, the routine drills in the camp It can't be stopped, but where are these people?

Now that they have come here, there is no reason to back down, and they will never back down. Although they are uneasy in their hearts, their footsteps have not stopped for a moment.

Suddenly, a burst of shouts came from all directions, and the originally quiet official road became noisy and noisy.

"My lord, the big thing is not good, we have laid an ambush."

The rear has already begun to want to fight, they are surrounded in a circle, and there are soldiers everywhere.

Min Hengzhi glanced at the battlefield coldly, and pulled out the sword from his waist: "Fight."

There are more and more soldiers surrounding them, which have already exceeded their 5000 number, and are constantly increasing.

"My lord, there are too many people on the other side, and we have suffered heavy losses. While there is still a chance, let's cover you and the princess, and escape from the left rear."

Min Hengzhi shook his head: "No, I must enter the city today, and I will never back down."

"My lord, now is not the time to be willful. The opponent's army is much stronger than ours. Even if we enter the city, we will be caught in the urn. My lord, retreat, or it will be too late."

Min Hengzhi looked at the city gate, the very familiar city gate, the city gate he had entered and exited countless times, but now he couldn't get in?

(End of this chapter)

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