Chapter 1352 Surrender
Chapter 1368

Nian Wen was anxious, she didn't expect to encounter an ambush here, and couldn't even enter the city gate?
She jumped up, jumped off the horse, threw herself into the battle circle, and fought all the way to the city gate. There was only one thought in her mind, to enter the city and enter the palace.

Seeing this, Min Hengzhi quickly got off his horse and chased after Nianwen, protecting her while persuading her to leave with him.

Read the text and refuse, if she leaves now, when will she come back?
Suddenly dozens of black shadows descended from the city tower, and they charged at Nian Wen and Min Hengzhi with sharp blades in their hands.

Min Hengzhi's personal guards rushed forward to protect Min Hengzhi.

Min Hengzhi shouted, "Leave me alone, protect the princess quickly."

Before the words fell, Zheng Nianwen had already exchanged hands with the black-clothed man, and after only one move, Zheng Nianwen felt the strength of the other party, his kung fu was definitely superior to hers, and he was surrounded by several people at the same time, within ten moves. It will be defeated.

"Are you guys sent by Shangguantuo?" She took a step back and paused her attack.

The leading man in black sneered and said, "So what? Princess Changle, the world has changed hands. I advise you to surrender obediently. Maybe you still have a chance."

These people dared to openly stop her and Uncle Min outside the palace gate. From this point of view, something must have happened to her parents, otherwise, with their parents around, they wouldn't dare to lend their courage.

"Since you know that I am the princess of Changle, you should know that my father is the side-by-side king and my mother is the princess who protects the country. Have you thought about the consequences of treating me like this?" Entering the city today seems impossible. Get the whereabouts of parents, maybe you can get a glimpse of it from the mouths of these people in front of you.

The man in black laughed arrogantly a few times, and said loudly: "Shoulder King? Princess Protector? I am afraid that these two people no longer exist in this world."

Nianwen's heart tightened, and he hurriedly asked, "What do you mean by that? Don't talk nonsense."

The man in black said: "I'm talking nonsense? Who else in this capital city doesn't know that the princess who protects the country, the side-by-side king, and the little prince in the palace, all three of them fell off the cliff together and were smashed to pieces."

Nianwen's complexion changed drastically, and he quickly shook his head: "No, it's impossible, you're talking nonsense."

"I'm talking nonsense? Well, if you think there's nothing wrong with me talking nonsense, then just treat it as nonsense, Princess Changle, if you surrender now, you may be able to suffer less."

Nianwen's heart was shocked, and the words of the man in black just now echoed in her ears. She didn't believe it, but she couldn't help being flustered. What happened to her parents and younger brother?

Seeing her distracted, the man in black stretched out his hand to grab her, regained his composure to dodge, and slashed his sword in self-defense, but failed after a few rounds.

Min Hengzhi wanted to rush forward to save her, but was held back by several of his subordinates, who wanted to take him away forcibly, if he hesitated any longer, they would all be unable to leave.

The light-colored clothes on Nianwen's body were soon dyed red, and the man in black clasped her arms and tied her tightly together: "Hmph, if the Queen Mother insisted on us catching you alive, you girl would have died How many times."

"You continue to surround them, kill them all, not a single one is left." The man in black ordered coldly to the warlord, and turned around carrying Zheng Nianwen into the city like a chicken.

She finally entered the city, but in this way.

She looked up at the deserted streets in the city, and thought of Wan Kun who was waiting for her in Zhuangzi, what happened to him?Five thousand soldiers and horses went all the way to Beijing, it is impossible for him not to know, where are they?
(End of this chapter)

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