Chapter 1358 They are all good

Chapter 1374

Shangguan Yao said: "I am in the harem, although I am the empress empress admired by thousands of people, the real power in my hands is pitifully small, now that my elder brother has returned to Beijing, with him here, there is no room for me to intervene , He will enter the palace in two days, by then, I don't know what will happen in this palace, but first of all, he will kill Tianqi."

Wan Kun's complexion changed drastically, he gritted his teeth and said, "Dare he?"

Shangguan Yao nodded: "He dares, the matter has come to this point, he has nothing to dare."

Wan Kun was so angry that he really wanted to tear Shangguantuo, the villain, with his hands.

Shangguan Yao hurriedly said: "I called you here today because I want to entrust Tianqi to you, you should take him away from the palace as soon as possible, and fly far away."

Wan Kun suddenly raised his head: "The emperor is with you?"

Shangguan Yao nodded: "Yes, he has been with me all the time, and I have tried everything to save his life. When my elder brother didn't come to the capital, I still counted what I said in this palace. I want to protect him. No one dares to say anything." No word, but now that my elder brother has come to the capital city, he will enter the palace in a few days, if the emperor stays here, no one can save him, and elder brother's methods will definitely not let him survive."

"Where is the emperor? Quickly take me to see him." Wan Kun said anxiously.

Shangguan Yao immediately opened the secret door of the Buddhist hall, and the two of them walked through the secret passage to the dark room where Chu Tianqi was imprisoned. The big lock, she tried several times, but failed to get the key from Pearl.

"The emperor has been poisoned by cartilage powder. Although I have an antidote, I can't give him." Shangguan Yao looked at the big lock with a helpless face.

Wan Kun looked at the lock, then glanced sideways at Shangguan Yao, and said, "Lend me your earrings."

Shangguan Yao didn't understand what he meant, and hurriedly took off the red gold earring from his ear and handed it to him.

Wan Kun straightened the earring, inserted it into the keyhole, and fiddled with it carefully. After a while, there was only a click, and the big lock was unlocked.

He hurriedly opened the door and entered, and saw the emperor collapsed on the bed, unconscious.

"What happened to the emperor?" Wan Kun asked anxiously.

Shangguan Yao shook her head: "I don't know either, Zhu'er usually comes to deliver meals, sometimes I come with her and she doesn't let me in."

Wan Kun grasped Chu Tianqi's pulse, and frowned: "It's indeed cartilage powder. He's very weak. He probably hasn't eaten for several days." He looked around, and there was no food in the room.

Seeing Chu Tianqi being tortured into such a state, Shangguan Yao was heartbroken and remorseful. If it wasn't for her, how could the emperor have fallen to such a state? , in this palace, will she still have a voice?

Wan Kun fed the antidote given by Shangguanyao to Chu Tianqi, and asked Shangguanyao to go outside to get some food and water. Although Chu Tianqi was weak now, he was not in danger of getting sick. He woke up shortly after he poured the medicine When he came over, he saw Wan Kun in front of him, and immediately looked shocked: "Wan Kun? Why are you here? They also arrested you?"

Wan Kun said: "Your Majesty, I was caught by them and almost died. It was the Empress who saved me, and she brought me to save you."

When Shangguan Yao came back with food, she happened to hear Wan Kun's words, and she was very moved. Whether it was Wan Kun or reading the text, they were all very good. They were much better than her elders. I am ashamed to think about it.

"The food is here." She came in with something.

(End of this chapter)

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