Chapter 1359
Chapter 1375

Chu Tianqi looked up at Shangguan Yao who was coming in from the outside. They had been husband and wife for so many years, as if this was the first time he had looked at her so seriously.

The impression of Shangguan Yao in his mind is extremely shallow. He doesn't know what kind of temperament she is, what she likes and dislikes, and he has never thought about these things, because he has never cared about her.

Perhaps it was because of his indifference that she fell into Shangguantuo's tricks and committed such wrong things.

Speaking of which, he himself is also responsible.

"Your Majesty—" Seeing Chu Tianqi staring at her, she was a little uneasy and embarrassed, her eyes were slightly red, and she wanted to say something, but she couldn't.

Chu Tianqi nodded to her: "No need to say more, I understand that if you can stop your horse from a precipice, you will be able to turn around."

Shangguan Yao knelt in front of his bed, choked with sobs and said: "Your Majesty, my concubine knows that she has committed a serious crime and dare not ask for forgiveness from the Emperor. I just ask the Emperor not to blame my two children. They, they don't know anything. All the sins were committed by me alone, and let me bear the consequences alone."

Chu Tianqi waved his hand: "Get up, what are you talking about now? I'm still the emperor in this palace, and I'm not sure how many days I can live. It's useless to say these things now."

Shangguan Yao got up, handed the food to Wan Kun, and continued: "Your Majesty, you can go with Wan Kun today, you can't stay in this palace any longer, once Shangguan Tuo enters the palace, even if you want to leave, I'm afraid I can't go anymore."

Chu Tianqi shook his head: "I'm not going anywhere. I was born here and grew up here. This is my home. I will never leave again."

Wan Kun suddenly thought of a plan, and immediately said: "That's right, we are not the ones who should leave, why should we leave? Instead, we want to keep the counterfeit?"

Shangguan Yao and Chu Tianqi fixed their gazes on Wan Kun's face, waiting for his next words.

Wan Kun went on to say: "Since the emperor can be transferred, and the false ones can be confused with the real ones, then why don't we transfer them again and fight back."

We are all smart people, once Wan Kun said this, they still didn't understand.

"Wan Kun, what do you mean, let the emperor and the fake emperor change again?"

Wan Kun nodded: "That's right, as long as the fake emperor is tricked here, he will definitely not know that the emperor has taken the antidote, and even has me as a helper, so I can grab his lifeline and stab him to death with a single needle. There is no proof of death, the emperor is still the emperor, nothing has changed."

Chu Tianqi nodded again and again: "This method is feasible, so let's do it like this."

Shangguan Yao said: "But Your Majesty, most of the military power in the Chu Dynasty is now in the hands of Shangguan Tuo, even if you become the Emperor, it will be difficult to shake his position."

Wan Kun said: "This is easy to handle. The emperor first pretends to be a fake emperor, don't reveal his identity for the time being, and slowly gain his trust. There will always be a chance to regain the military power."

The three of them conspired all night. Seeing that it was about to dawn, Shangguan Yao left the Buddhist hall in a hurry, and put a big lock on the upper iron gate. Shang Wankun hid under the bed, waiting for the false emperor to be caught.

After returning to the bedroom, Shangguan Yao took a nap for a while, and did not get up to make up until Zhu'er entered the room.

Looking at Zhu'er's absent-minded appearance in the mirror, Shangguan Yao asked: "Zhu'er, what's wrong with you? Do you have anything to say?"

Zhu'er glanced at the maid who was dressing up, and said in a low voice: "You all go out, I have something to say to the empress alone."

(End of this chapter)

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