Chapter 1360 Good News

Chapter 1376

Heh, what a big shelf, do you really think you are the master?

Seeing that everyone had left, Zhu'er said to Shangguan Yao: "Your Majesty, Master Hou is going to enter the palace in two days, you have to say something to the one in the Buddhist hall, otherwise you will come None of us can afford to blame Lord Shihou for it."

Shangguan Yao's face was slightly cold, "Can't bear it? You mean, in your eyes, Master Hou is your master?" This girl is really getting more and more unscrupulous.

Zhu'er knew what she said, and hurriedly waved her hands: "No, no, this servant has no such intentions, so I ask your mother to learn from her."

Shangguan Yao sneered in her heart, but she didn't show it on her face, she said: "I just said it casually, why do you take it seriously, you are the most capable confidant around me, so I naturally believe you."

Zhu'er wiped off her cold sweat in the dark. Recently, the empress always speaks in a strange way, as if she is different from before, but she can't see what is different. In short, she has a very special feeling and has no basis.

Shangguan Yao said: "What you said just now is very reasonable, my brother is going to enter the palace, so naturally that person can't stay, otherwise it will be a disaster."

She paused, and then said: "Actually, I don't know that it's time to make a decision, it's just—"

Seeing that she had lost her voice, Zhu'er hurriedly asked, "Just what?"

Shangguan Yao raised her eyes to look at her, her eyes were full of resentment, "It's just that Ben Gong and him were married after all, and they gave birth to two children for him. There is still some friendship, Ben Gong really can't do anything."

Zhu'er was overjoyed when she heard the words, and hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, it's great that you think so, have you forgotten? The last time the emperor came to see you, didn't he say that if you really can't do it, he can wait for you." , as long as you open your mouth, is there any reason for him not to follow?"

Shangguan Yao pretended to be stunned: "Yeah, I didn't think of this level before, it's true, with him doing it for me, things will be much easier." She made a happy appearance, and said: "Pearl, you I will go to see the emperor and convey my words. I hope this matter will be resolved today. Whenever I fall asleep these days, I will dream of him, dreaming of him chasing and cutting me with a knife. Maybe he is the only one who completely disappears in this world. Only this palace can live a few days of comfortable life."

Zhu'er glanced at Shangguan Yao's face, and sighed: "No wonder the empress looks so bad, she had a nightmare at night, why don't you call your servant, so that this servant can accompany you."

Shangguan Yao waved his hand: "What's the use of being with me, I have something on my mind, that's why I'm like this, and it's the same when you're here, well, don't say any more, you can just go to see the emperor and let him come over in person , this matter must not be publicized, let him do it himself, and do it more covertly."

Zhu'er nodded quickly: "I understand."

With a smug smile, Zhu'er turned around and walked briskly away from Zhaoyuan Hall. She was in a great mood, and what Master Hou ordered could finally be carried out, and she didn't have to apologize to Master Hou, maybe she could even get a reward.

Imperial Palace

'Chu Tianqi' was sitting in a chair with his eyes closed, and the eunuch behind him was rubbing his shoulders, and the memorials on the table were piled up like a mountain.

"Your Majesty, Miss Zhu'er from Zhaoyuan Palace is here." The eunuch whispered.

'Chu Tianqi' didn't open his eyes, but lazily said: "Let her in, maybe it brings some good news."

(End of this chapter)

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