Chapter 1361
Chapter 1377

Zhu'er entered the hall and bowed to 'Chu Tianqi': "Your servants see the emperor."

'Chu Tianqi' raised his eyes and glanced at Zhu'er, the pride and complacency in his eyes was very obvious, "Excuse me."

Zhu'er despises the impostor in front of her from the bottom of her heart, it's okay to show off in front of others, but she dares to be so arrogant and rude in front of her, Zhu'er, this kind of person thinks he has climbed very high, but he doesn't know that once If he falls, it will hurt very much. If he doesn't know how to adjust his position, if he falls from the throne one day, how will he deal with himself?
"But the queen asked you to come?" 'Chu Tianqi' asked.

Zhu'er nodded: "It was the empress who ordered the servants to come." She turned around and saw that there were several court ladies and eunuchs standing in the palace.

Chu Tianqi winked at the eunuch beside him, the eunuch understood, and immediately said in a sharp voice: "You all step back."

After everyone had left and the door of the palace was closed, Zhu'er said: "Your Majesty, the Empress ordered the servants to come forward to pass the message, and ask the Emperor to go to the Buddhist hall of Zhaoyuan Hall in person to deal with the criminals. It is inconvenient for her to come forward and take action. The emperor will do it."

'Chu Tianqi' looked happy, "She really said that?"

Zhu'er nodded: "Your maidservant dare not speak nonsense, the queen mother also said, please go there as soon as possible, don't miss the time, lest Lord Hou will blame you after entering the palace."

"Chu Tianqi" has been waiting for this day, looking forward to it day and night, and it finally arrived. How could it be late? He is eager to get rid of that person as soon as possible. Then in this world, he will become the real Chu Tianqi , no longer have to worry about it.

He immediately got up and said to Zhu'er: "I'm going now, you bring the key, I go inside and change my clothes and go." The dragon robe was newly made according to his size, so it must not be stained with that person's Bloodstains, naturally have to put on another body before going.

Zhu'er took out the key from her bosom, and handed it to the eunuch who stepped forward: "The servant has retired."

Zhu'er returned to Zhaoyuan Palace and reported the matter to Shangguanyao, Shangguanyao nodded, got up and went into the inner hall, reasoning that she had a headache and wanted to use the special cooling oil from the Sanhe shop outside the palace, and asked Zhu'er to buy it herself.

The queen also sent her like this on weekdays, meaning that she was not at ease when someone else bought it, and every time she went out, the empress would give her ten taels of silver. This cool oil can be bought for only one tael of silver, and she made a net profit of nine taels. Naturally, she would not shirk such a good deed, and wanted to buy some fashionable and beautiful jewelry by the way.

After waiting for Shangguan Yao to lie down, Zhu'er took the silver and hurried out of the palace. Shangguan Yao hurriedly got up, went out through the window, and took a small path to the Buddhist hall.

As soon as she entered the Buddhist hall, 'Chu Tianqi' followed her in behind.

Seeing that Shangguan Yao was also there, he raised his eyebrows and asked with a smile: "The queen is here too? Didn't Zhu'er say that it's not convenient for you to come forward?"

The queen glanced at the two guards behind him, frowned, beckoned at him, led him to a corner, and said in a low voice: "There are some things you can do yourself, so don't bother others to do it, you know The more people there are, the more unfavorable it is to you, do you still need me to teach you this matter?"

'Chu Tianqi' thought about it, and found that what she said was very reasonable. The fewer people who know about this kind of thing, the better. If he brought these people in, he would have to deal with the aftermath after a while, which would be troublesome.

Besides, it is true that Chu Tianqi is suffering from the poison of cartilage powder, he has been starving for several days, and he probably doesn't even have the strength to speak, so why not let him slaughter him?
(End of this chapter)

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