Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 1362 Really Become His Woman

Chapter 1362 Really Become His Woman
Chapter 1378

He secretly smiled, raised his eyes to glance at Shangguan Yao's exquisite and beautiful face, a greedy look flashed across his eyes, and thought that sooner or later, Shangguan Yao would really become his woman, and by that time, he would be the only woman in the entire harem As for the people, he could not enjoy the blessings of all people in his life.

Shangguan Yao frowned, this guy's gaze was really annoying, "What? Is what I said wrong?"

'Chu Tianqi' hurriedly said: "Yes, yes, how can it be wrong, everything the queen said is right, I listen to the queen."

Shangguan Yao gave him a cold look, then turned and walked away.

'Chu Tianqi' doesn't care either, Shangguan Yao looks down on him now, it's normal, after all, there is still a real emperor lying in it, after a while, he will let her know that he is better than that real emperor It's ten times better.

"You two wait here, I can just go in by myself." He turned and walked towards the secret door, the accompanying eunuch followed immediately, opened the secret door familiarly, and went in directly.

Shangguan Yao looked at the two guards from the outside. The guards around 'Chu Tianqi' were all dead soldiers sent by Shangguan Tuo from Dongli. Not only were they very skilled in martial arts, but they were also not afraid of death. The injured Wan Kun and the weak Chu Tianqi were no match for them at all.

When 'Chu Tianqi' came outside the iron gate, an unpleasant smell came to his nostrils. He frowned nicely, with a slightly unnatural expression on his face, and said to the eunuch beside him, "Open."

The eunuch immediately opened the door, and the strange smell hit his face even more, making him sick. He was used to living a life of dignity and worry in the Palace of Imperial Harmony, and when he came to such a dirty place, his emotions and psychology did not change for a while.

The eunuch went in first, and seeing Chu Tianqi lying on the hard bed like a dead man, he immediately turned around and said, "Your Majesty, come in."

'Chu Tianqi' stepped in immediately, glanced around, there was a plate of moldy food in the corner, it was disgusting, the smell came from this food.

"Go and see if it's dead."

The eunuch stepped forward and breathed out, then turned around and shook his head: "Not dead yet, alive."

'Chu Tianqi' sneered: "Life is really tough, this one won't die, so what's the use of keeping this breath in the world?"

He slowly approached the bed, looked at the face of the person on the bed, and felt jealous and resentful in his heart: "God is really unfair, some people are born to be extremely noble, some people are born to be as cheap as worthless, they are all human beings. Why are some people born nobler than us?"

But looking at the miserable state of Chu Tianqi in front of him, the jealousy in his eyes gradually disappeared, "But I have to say, God is also fair, and occasionally he will give us idiots some opportunities, so that us lowly idiots can have a chance. The possibility of becoming a towering tree."

"So, since there is me in this world, then there is no need for you to continue to exist, Chu Tianqi, one is enough." His eyes gradually became cold, his whole body was full of murderous aura, and one hand was already holding a dagger , Stepping forward step by step, suddenly raised the dagger, and stabbed towards Chu Tianqi's heart.

Right here, his knee suddenly hurt, and his right leg involuntarily knelt down. The dagger in his hand naturally missed, and the tip of the blade pierced into the wooden board of the hard bed. The dagger was pulled out and stabbed again, but his wrist was firmly grasped by the other hand.

The pair of eyes that were tightly closed suddenly opened, and they were staring at him coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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