Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 1363 The beauty never imagined

Chapter 1363 The beauty never imagined

Chapter 1379

"Want me to die?" Chu Tianqi clasped his wrist and sat up slowly.

At this time, Wan Kun quickly slid out from under the bed, and the silver needle in his hand pierced the key point on the back of the neck of 'Chu Tianqi'. As soon as the needle penetrated, he collapsed limply, without any strength in his whole body.

Seeing this, the eunuch on the side opened his mouth to shout, but before his voice could escape his throat, Wan Kun's ghostly figure approached him, and the long silver needle pierced the eunuch's back neck hard, causing him to collapse as well. On the ground, unable to move.

Originally, both of them had learned kung fu, and their kung fu was not weak, but what happened in front of them happened too fast, so fast that before their brains could react and their hands could resist, the confrontation was over.

No, there is no confrontation at all.

There is also an initial confrontation.

Chu Tianqi got out of bed, holding the dagger just now in his hand, and squatted in front of the fake 'Chu Tianqi' who had fallen in front of the bed.

He stuck his sharp dagger in front of 'Chu Tianqi', "Have you ever thought that this day will come to you?"

'Chu Tianqi' gritted his teeth and endured the numbness and weakness of his body, without the slightest fear in his eyes, and still had a fierce and arrogant expression.

"Whether I think about it or not, the ending will not change. Even if you kill me now, you can't get out of here alive."

Chu Tianqi sneered: "Really? Do you really think so? Do you really think that you and your master have succeeded?"

Wan Kun said: "Your Majesty, let me come, there is not much time."

Chu Tianqi nodded. He has not fully recovered his strength now. He can walk and talk without any problems. But there are still many tests waiting for him to challenge outside. He must keep up his energy.

Chu Tianqi stood up and backed away. Wan Kun first closed the iron door tightly, and then squatted in front of the man. He took off the clothes, trousers and shoes that he was wearing earlier, and asked Chu Tianqi to put them on before giving them to him. Putting on the clothes on Chu Tianqi's body, he stabbed him in the palm with the dagger in his hand, and he almost died of the pain.

"Say, when does Shangguan Tuo plan to become emperor?"

'Chu Tianqi' opened his mouth and panted in pain, and wanted to shout out, but it seemed as if something blocked his throat, he couldn't shout out, so he could only hoarsely say: "What do you want to know from me, you guys It's just a dream, if you want to kill, kill, why bother talking nonsense."

Wan Kun nodded: "Okay, if you have the backbone, then I will help you." He raised the dagger, and sharply pierced the sharp blade into the palm of the other hand of 'Chu Tianqi', causing him to twitch from the pain. Before it was over, seeing that he still didn't speak, he pulled out the dagger and stabbed it into the thigh of 'Chu Tianqi', and blood gushed out.

'Chu Tianqi' originally had a little bit of luck in his heart, he thought that these two people in front of him would definitely not kill him, at least they would take him as a shield, or hostage or something. If there is only one room, there is a possibility of being rescued again.

But now, he finally realized that he was wrong. The man in front of him was very cruel, and he didn't care about his life at all.

Seeing Wan Kun pulled out the dagger again, looking for the next cut in his body, he hurriedly shouted: "I said, I said, don't kill me."

In the past, when encountering such a thing, he would never beg for mercy, and would die. He didn't care too much, it was just a life, and 18 years later, he was still a good man.

But it was different now, he sat on the throne and enjoyed the glory of the supreme position, which was a beauty he had never imagined.

(End of this chapter)

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