Chapter 1364

Chapter 1380

He didn't want this beauty to just disappear, he hadn't sat on the throne enough yet.

Anyway, they don't know the truth when they say nonsense, so it's important to save their lives first.

"I said, I really said." He panted, seeing the dagger away from his chest, he said again just now: "Master, he said, he said that he would not ascend the throne and would let me remain emperor, he That's what it says."

Naturally, Wan Kun didn't believe this kind of nonsense, and he didn't want to expose him, "Can Dongli's 20 troops move?"

'Chu Tianqi' rolled his eyes, and hurriedly said: "No, no, Lord Hou said, he will never move the army, and he can't move. He only brought dozens of cronies with him this time when he came to Beijing. "

It seemed that there was nothing he could ask, so Wan Kun simply inserted the dagger into his other leg, cutting off his artery, and blood gushed out wildly.

'Chu Tianqi' roared hoarsely: "You, you broke your promise, you promised to spare my life."

Wan Kun said: "You are full of nonsense, you think I am easy to fool? If you want to survive, if you don't show sincerity, don't blame me for being poisonous." Although these words were said in front of 'Chu Tianqi', but It's for Tai monitor who will be interrogated later.

He listened too much to these words, his body trembling with fright, and he naturally understood what Wan Kun meant.

The blood gushed out more and more, and the complexion of 'Chu Tianqi' became paler and paler, and his body could not make any sound other than twitching and trembling.

Wan Kun got up slowly, turned to face the eunuch behind him, he was terrified by the murderous aura around him: "I said, I said everything, don't kill me, please don't kill me, I have seniors and juniors, I will I am not the eunuch in this palace, I am someone sent by Lord Hou from Dongli, and I am responsible for sending messages to Ah Si and reporting the love palace in the palace to Lord Hou in real time."

Wan Kun asked with cold eyebrows: "How to report?"

The eunuch said: "There are messengers who travel between Dongli and Kyoto, and there are also flying pigeons to send letters."

Wan Kun asked, "Your Lord Hou has seen you?"

The eunuch hurriedly shook his head: "No, no, how could Lord Hou recognize such a small person like me? I am Guanshi Cui's subordinate, and Guanshi Cui is Lord Hou's most capable assistant."

"Cui Guanshi also went to Beijing with Shangguantuo?" Wan Kun asked.

The eunuch said: "Guan Cui has always been in the capital city. The last time Lord Hou returned to Dongli, Guan Shi Cui left behind his layout. He has always lived in the Shangguan Mansion and never left."

Wan Kun sneered: "Sure enough, you have been planning since then."

Chu Tianqi behind Wan Kun heard the words and couldn't help sighing: "Sister Huang reminded me at the beginning, but I didn't pay much attention to it. I didn't expect—"

Seeing him blaming himself, Wan Kun hurriedly enlightened him: "As the saying goes, you are not afraid of thieves stealing, but you are afraid of thieves thinking about you. If you are targeted by them, they will always have a way to do something, and they will not be able to prevent you."

It may not be impossible to guard against it, but he is too concerned about affection, especially the Shangguan family who were the founding heroes of the country back then. After all, they have to take into account the affection of some ancestors. In addition, he married Shangguan Yao as the queen, so he was not too guarded against them.

This led to today's disaster!
"Young Master Wan, Your Majesty, I have told you everything the villain knows, please do me a favor and save the villain a life." The eunuch pleaded.

Wan Kun glanced at him coldly: "Have you said everything you need to say? Are you sure you have nothing to say?"

The eunuch looked at Wan Kun in bewilderment; "Master Wan, please remind me."

(End of this chapter)

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