Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 1365 Shangguan Tuo's Viciousness

Chapter 1365 Shangguan Tuo's Viciousness
Chapter 1381

Wan Kun said: "Does your Lord Hou really want to help Shangguan Yao's son to the top because he is so aggressive?"

The eunuch's face turned pale, and he didn't dare to speak, he said with a dry smile: "My lord is really good at joking, such a secret matter, villain, how can a villain know?"

Wan Kun squatted down and took off the eunuch's uniform on his body. The bloody knife wiped his snow-white coat left and right, which made the eunuch startled.

"Maybe it's too late to say it now." Wan Kun's icy voice was gloomy and indifferent like the ecstasy messenger from hell.

The eunuch's numb and weak body shook violently, and he hurriedly said: "I said, I shouldn't have known these things. Steward Cui drank with me the day before he sent me into the palace. He was very happy that day, Accidentally drank too much, he liked to talk when he drank too much, and he talked about Lord Hou. He said that Lord Hou had no intention of letting the little prince take the throne at all, and he wanted to sit on the throne by himself , That's why I got a fake one to enter the palace, let him occupy the throne first, cooperate with him inside and outside, eradicate all the cronies of the emperor, and then step by step seize the military power in various regions. Tell the world to surrender the throne to him."

"Since this is the case, then your Lord Marquis probably doesn't intend to let the queen and prince live, does he?"

The eunuch nodded: "Yes, that's what Hou Ye planned. As long as the real power is in his hands, no one in this palace will be left behind except for the Shangguan family."

Chu Tian was trembling with anger, and Shangguan Tuo's viciousness was beyond his imagination.

Shangguan Yao had already arrived at the door at this time, when she heard the eunuch's words, her back broke out in a cold sweat, everything was predicted by Qi Rongyue, brother, he really planned this way, not only would he not let her go Children, even she will not let go.

She quickly pushed open the iron door and entered.

The eunuch saw Shangguan Yao at a glance, and hurriedly shouted in a hoarse voice: "Empress, empress, help me."

Shangguan Yao didn't bother to pay attention to him, and directly said to Chu Tianqi and Wan Kun: "Hurry up, the guards outside have become suspicious, and they may rush in at any time."

Only now did the eunuch realize that all this was the result of the collusion between the empress and them, so his life is over!

Wan Kun took out a golden needle, pierced it directly into the eunuch's Baihui acupoint, and used his palm strength to completely sink the golden needle into the top of the skull.

The eunuch swallowed his breath without even uttering a scream.

Wan Kun put on the eunuch's clothes, took out the disguise, and disguised himself as an eunuch. The two were about the same height. Putting on the clothes and standing next to Chu Tianqi, it was really possible to confuse the real one.

Shangguan Yao stared at his disguise technique, full of admiration, but still said: "Although your disguise technique is powerful, even I can't see any difference, but what about your voice? As long as you If you make a sound, it will definitely be exposed."

Wan Kun pricked his throat twice with a silver needle, and said, "What about now?"

Chu Tianqi said: "Your voice is very hoarse now, it sounds like you are sick, I understand."

Wan Kun smiled lightly: "I try to speak as little as possible, and when I have to, I just presume that I have suffered from wind damage and have lost my voice."

Shangguan Yao looked at Wan Kun with admiration. This Young Master Wan is so flexible and calm in his actions. He really deserves to be someone who Jian Yun could not help but be proud of.

(End of this chapter)

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