Chapter 1366
Chapter 1382

Wan Kun threw the eunuch under the bed, dragged the bloody and dying 'Chu Tianqi' out of the room, and threw him in the secret passageway, so that Zhu'er would not find the people in the room when she came to check the corpse.

The three of them left the Buddhist hall swaggeringly, Shangguan Yao quietly returned to the Zhaoyuan Hall, Chu Tianqi and Wan Kun returned to the Imperial Harmony Hall.

Looking at the mountain of memorials on the case, Chu Tianqi sighed, and subconsciously wanted to take the memorials for review.

Wan Kun hurriedly pressed his hand, and said in a low voice: "Your Majesty, your current identity is not the real Chu Tianqi. What you have to do is to be like that fake, half-knowing about government affairs, and half-knowing about government affairs." Seeing as if not seeing."

Chu Tianqi understood and nodded: "That's right, all the guards in the palace have changed now, and even the eunuchs and maids have many new faces. Once our white identities are exposed, the consequences will be disastrous."

This is not the main thing, they stay, there are more important things to do, regain the sovereignty, and rescue Jian Yun, so that the dark clouds hanging over the palace will disperse.

The two pretended to rest for a while in the Palace of Imperial Harmony, and then went to the sky prison. Mr. Wan and Jian Yun were still locked in the sky prison. If it hadn't been for Shangguan Yao's constant protection, the two of them would have been in Qi prison long ago. Rong Yue and Zheng Zhongwen were secretly killed after the accident.

The people guarding the sky prison have long been replaced by Shangguan's cronies. Seeing the two coming, they are not as panicked as the usual guards seeing the emperor. ?” The leader in charge of guarding the sky prison approached Chu Tian with a smile.

Obviously this guy knew that Chu Tianqi in front of him was a fake, and he was familiar with him, otherwise, how could he dare to look at the emperor like this in front of everyone, and his words were quite relaxed.

Chu Tianqi glanced at him, his face was pale, and there was a slight smile on the corner of his lips, "I have something to ask the key prisoner inside."

Seeing Chu Tianqi's indifferent appearance, the leader seemed to have a tinge of arrogance in his eyes, and felt very upset. He really thinks that he is the emperor, but he is just a substitute. It is not known how long he can sit. If Lord Hou wants to ascend the throne, you will be the first to die. How can you pretend to be in front of me?
The leader thought so in his heart, but didn't show the slightest bit on his face, still smiling all over his face: "Please, the emperor." He winked at the subordinates at the side and ordered him to lead the emperor in.

Ordinarily, when the emperor came, he, the leader, should personally take him in and protect his safety, but the leader ordered a young man to bring the emperor in, the young man was flattered and hurriedly led the emperor to the dungeon.

When the figure of the emperor disappeared at the gate of the prison, the leader poohed towards the gate of the prison to express his dissatisfaction.

Seeing the emperor coming, the cell boss who was drinking and chatting immediately threw away the wine glass in his hand, and knelt down towards the emperor: "I don't know the emperor is coming, my subordinate—" He glanced at the table full of wine and meat behind him, his forehead was sweating, " Also ask the emperor to punish."

Chu Tianqi didn't want to talk nonsense with him, and said directly: "Where are Jian Yun and his wife locked up?"

The cell leader hurriedly got up: "This subordinate will take the emperor there."

The other two cell leaders also got up, rushed to the front first, and lit all the braziers along the way. The dark cell suddenly became extremely bright, illuminating all the frightened, resentful, or empty faces in the cell. Chu.

(End of this chapter)

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