Chapter 1375 Where Do You Live?

Chapter 1391

That home, can I go back again?Can the happiness of the past be found again?
She must get it back, she must.

A girl dressed as a maid walked slowly past the gate of Mu Cangju's courtyard. She deliberately slowed down, stretched her neck to look into the courtyard, and saw a boy sitting in the courtyard. It's really ordinary, but the aura exuding from his body is so different.

Is he the Xiaoguan that the concubine said?
A sneer appeared on the corner of the woman's lips. She looked around and saw that there was no one around, and the two guards guarding the courtyard gate were also dozing off, so she found a good position and fell to the ground, crying softly. call.

The wailing voice must be controlled just right, it can alarm the young man in the courtyard, but at the same time not alarm the prince inside, this is a good balance.

Zheng Nianwen, who was sitting in a daze in the courtyard, heard the exclamation, hurriedly got up and went to the courtyard gate to check, and saw a woman lying on the ground, in the dark night, she couldn't see the expression on the woman's face, even her face. face, hurriedly asked: "What's the matter, girl?"

"My foot seems to be twisted, it hurts so much, I can't move." She tried to get up, but she couldn't stand up after several times.

The guard at the side said: "Miss Su'er, you'd better go quickly, the prince will come out later, and we will not be able to explain it." The prince clearly ordered that Shui Xu Su'er enter Mu Cangju for half a step, and she is not allowed to be near Mu Cangju. hovering.

Miss Su'er?It was a very familiar name, she seemed to have heard it before, but she couldn't remember it for a while.

Su'er lowered her eyes, with a look of grievance on her face: "Do you think I don't want to leave? But now I've sprained my ankle, how can I walk? I can't even move."

The two guards exchanged a look, and decided not to care about her, nor to help her, this woman's tricks are endless, they can't fall into her tricks, and let the prince blame her.

Zheng Nianwen didn't want to be nosy, but she was a doctor after all, and she couldn't bear to see someone sprained her ankle and couldn't get up again.

She reached out to touch Su'er's foot, but Su'er blocked it: "Don't, don't touch it, it hurts."

Zheng Nianwen raised his eyebrows, before she touched it, she started crying?
Forget it, so what?She can't heal her, otherwise, wouldn't her identity be exposed?

"Do you want me to take you home?" she asked.

Su'er's eyes lit up, and she nodded quickly: "It's the best, thank you." That's what she was waiting for.

There is no doubt in reading the text, so she reached out to hold Su'er's arm, lifted her up from the ground, let Su'er guide the way, and helped her walk to the place where she lived.

At the beginning, it was still a road with lanterns hanging all the way, but at the end, Su'er led her into a dark path, with well-trimmed bushes on both sides of the path.

Seeing the darkness in front of him, Nian Wen felt suspicious and asked with a frown, "Where do you live?"

Unexpectedly, Miss Su'er, who was holding her hand, stopped and turned to look at the boy beside her. Under the night, she smiled very strangely, "It doesn't matter where I live, what matters is where you will live in the future."

Before Nianwen could react, she saw Su'er girl in front of her suddenly tore off her clothes and messed up her neat hair.

Then she grabbed Zheng Nianwen's arm and screamed for help.

(End of this chapter)

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