Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 1376 Girl, do you want to harm me?

Chapter 1376 Girl, do you want to harm me?

Chapter 1392

Zheng Nianwen was dumbfounded, what happened to this woman?What are you playing?

Seeing the crazy appearance of this woman in front of her, she suddenly realized that this crazy woman was trying to frame her. . .

It turned out that her fall in front of the Mu Cangju courtyard was premeditated, she set a trap, and she stepped into the trap she set step by step.

If it was in the past, she would definitely watch her perform her tricks and see how many tricks she has yet to use.

But right now, her identity is sensitive, and the fact that she is going to enter the palace with Shangguan Nuo tomorrow must not be sidelined, let alone let Shangguan Tuo discover her existence at this time.

She withdrew her arm forcefully, and said in a deep voice: "Girl, do you want to hurt me? I advise you to save yourself, don't shoot yourself in the foot, you still have time to go now, if everyone is here, look How do you get away with yourself."

As soon as the words fell, she heard chaotic footsteps running towards this side, she turned around and walked away, showing golden cicada footwork under her feet, and disappeared into the night in the blink of an eye.

Su'er rushed forward to grab him, but she didn't even touch the corner of his clothes, and he disappeared without a trace.

She screamed twice more, drawing those who were searching the garden to her.

"Who is yelling?" The guard stepped forward with a lantern in his hand and took a look. Good guy, the delicate little beauty shrank in front of her in messy clothes, sobbing and crying non-stop.

She raised her head, her face was full of tears, and she was extremely pitiful: "The elder brothers can be regarded as coming. If you come a few steps later, the disciples may want to--then how can I live?"

In other words, she was not violated by anyone, so someone wanted to do this, and escaped after hearing the sound of them coming to the rescue?

This is Shangguan's mansion, who is so bold?

"Which courtyard is the girl from?" the guard asked.

Su'er tugged on her clothes tightly, and slowly stood up, seeing more and more people walking this way, she felt even more proud, and the tears shed on her face became more and more fierce.

"I'm Su'er, and I live in Qiao Yuan now."

As soon as Qiao Yuan was mentioned, several guards knew her identity. Qiao Yuan was the residence used by the Shangguan Mansion to accommodate those unfavorable concubines.

Could this girl in front of me be the concubine of a certain master in the mansion?

After all, it is much more complicated if you have a relationship with the master, and they dare not do it privately, so they said: "Let's make this matter clear to the housekeeper, we can't help you much."

Su'er naturally understands this truth, and she will not expect a few small guards to help her arrest someone. What she has to do is to make this matter a big one, so that everyone in the mansion knows that the son is hiding in Mu Cangju. A young lady with an ambiguous relationship will let everyone know of her existence, especially the Hou Ye and Mrs. Hou Ye. Knowing that she has been favored by his son, Mrs. He and Hou Ye might treat her differently and get her out of Qiao Yuan.

The guard led the way and led her to the brightly lit place, just in time to run into Guanshi Cui who had heard the sound.

Steward Cui glanced at the embarrassed Su'er, frowned and asked, "What's going on?"

Su'er covered her face and cried, and in front of many people, she recounted what happened just now, saying how presumptuous and bold Xiaoguan in Mu Cangju was, and how wronged and pitiful she was.

Cui Guanshi is not Uncle Fu, he has very sharp eyes, and the woman in front of him speaks clearly, and she doesn't look like she just suffered humiliation at all.

(End of this chapter)

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