Chapter 1391
Chapter 1407

Zheng Nianwen was overjoyed, he had been worried about their safety just now, he was afraid that they would finally escape and be captured by Shangguantuo's men.

"Where are they? Take me to see them." For Yu Nianwen, Master is not only her tutor, but also a family member who accompanies her growing up. The love and care Master gave her is no less than that of her father. And mother, she also sincerely regards Master as the closest person.

That's why she desperately wants to enter the palace, because in this palace, even if there are no parents, no uncle, no Wan Kun, but the master is still locked in the sky prison, she can't leave him behind no matter what. They don't care.

Wan Kun said: "Don't be in a hurry, let's deal with Zhu'er's body and the blood here, and I will take you to see them later."

Shangguan Yao, who didn't speak any more, said: "Even if she uses Shangguan Nuo's identity to take two people out of the palace, it may not be easy. I have a plan."

Zheng Nianwen has changed her view of Shangguan Yao at this time, she no longer hates her as much as you did before, she asked back: "What's your plan?"

Shangguan Yao said: "You first dispose of Zhu'er's body, then let Wen'er change into Zhu'er's appearance, wear my waist card, and ask Master Jian to dress up as palace servants, and follow Zhu'er out The palace will do."

Wan Kun's eyes lit up, this is a good idea, much safer than going out with Shangguan Nuo, although most of the people in this palace are now Shangguantuo's people, but after all, Shangguantuo has not really entered the Chu palace yet, The empress still said one thing in this palace, and it was not the first time for her to let the maids around her go shopping and do errands for her, and it was not unusual.

Zheng Nianwen looked at Shangguan Yao, and suddenly asked the doubts in his heart: "As a queen, your son will be the prince sooner or later, and the world of Chu Dynasty will be your son sooner or later. Why did you cooperate with Shangguan Tuo to commit this crime?" Waiting for a heinous crime?"

Shangguan Yao smiled wryly, the bitterness in her eyes almost completely drowning her.

"Because of jealousy, jealousy of you, and jealousy of your mother, the emperor never saw me, nor the two children I gave birth to him. I used to think that he didn't like to laugh by nature, and he was born to treat others Indifference, but until one day, I saw you sitting next to him, when he looked at you, the doting, the tender eyes, the joy of laughing loudly from time to time, the joy when he saw your father and you When I was a mother, he trusted him wholeheartedly, and I have never seen these things before."

"I used to work very hard to get these, but it was always in vain. Although I gave birth to two children with him, which is the first favor among concubines in the harem, but only myself You know, he treats me no differently from his concubines, they are all so indifferent and alienated, he never treats me as his wife."

Reading Wen frowned, she didn't know these things before, she thought that her uncle would treat his own children better than her, "So, this is why you murdered him? Even if uncle treats you emotionally I owe you something, but after all, he never did anything to hurt you, did he?"

Tears rolled down Shangguan Yao's eyes, and she nodded with sobs: "That's right, he has never done anything to hurt me, nor has he ever embarrassed me in front of the sisters in the harem, he should give me enough face, he He was never stingy, it was me who wanted too much, he was never wrong, it was only me who was blinded by jealousy and made a big mistake."

(End of this chapter)

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