Chapter 1392

Chapter 1408

Wan Kun said: "Now is not the time to talk about these things, let's do it quickly." He took out a porcelain bottle from his arms and handed it to Nianwen, "I will put her in the wooden barrel behind, you use this corpse water She has melted, and the corpse water can be poured into the night incense barrel."

Read the text and nodded, and followed Wan Kun to the back, and Wan Kun came back after a while, holding two brand new carpets in his hand, and replaced the carpet that was stained with a large amount of blood.

They also lighted strong incense to cover up the bloody smell in the temple.

Just after finishing these, the voice of Shangguan Nuo talking to someone came from outside.

"Brother? Are you really here? I thought you—"

Shangguan Nuo frowned, he didn't expect Shangguan Yu'er to come to Zhaoyuan Palace at this time.

"What do you think? The empress is ill, and I, as a nephew, come to see her, what's so strange?"

Shangguan Yu'er laughed dryly: "Yes, yes, what the elder brother said is true, so my sister and I are here too, but why are you standing here alone? Why don't you go in? How is your majesty now?"

Shangguan Nuo said: "Your Majesty drank the medicine and fell asleep. It would be inconvenient to disturb me. I have been waiting for a long time. It seems that I won't see you today. How about this? Let's go. I will visit the palace some other day."

Shangguan Yu'er glanced at the tightly closed door, she really didn't want to see the Queen much in her heart, her main purpose today was to see if there was anything going on between her eldest brother and Xiaoguan.

Thinking of Xiaoguan, she didn't seem to have seen this person.

"Brother, where is your follower? Why are you alone?"

Shangguan Nuo said: "Oh, she was a little uncomfortable just now, I let her go out of the palace first, what's the matter? Do you have something to do with her?"

Shangguan Yu'er quickly waved her hands: "It's okay, I don't even know him, so what do you want him to do?"

"Since you didn't look for her, why did you ask? You have never mentioned that follower in front of me before, what's the matter today?" Shangguan Nuo asked, his tone already obviously displeased.

Shangguan Yu'er laughed dryly, her heart was also in a state of turmoil, some things, she really didn't know if she should say it or how to say it.

"Brother, I know that you can't forget Zheng Nianwen in your heart, but you can't take someone with you just because someone looks like Zheng Nianwen in one and a half places, regardless of whether the other person is a man or not. Girl." Shangguan Yuer said with a sigh of relief.

Shangguan Nuo looked at the younger sister in disbelief: "Who told you? Have you met Nian Wen?"

Shangguan Yu'er shook her head: "That's not true."

Shangguan Nuo's brows became tighter and tighter: "Since I haven't seen it before, how do I know that Xiaoguan and Nianwen look alike?"

Embarrassment appeared on Shangguan Yu'er's face, she gave a dry laugh and said, "My sister-in-law said it. Didn't my sister-in-law see it? She also said that something happened in the garden near Mu Cang's residence last night."

Shangguan Nuo snorted coldly: "She learns that villains will sue first. Some bad things did happen near Mu Cangju last night, but this matter cannot be separated from her. She must be the mastermind behind the scenes. Instead of bothering her, she poured the dirty water on me first, clever."

Shangguan Yu'er was confused, "Brother, what do you mean by that?"

Shangguan Nuo didn't want to say too much, some things were too dirty, he didn't want his sister to know.

"Let's go, I'll tell you when I have time, anyway, remember, Sun Liuliu is not a good person, don't associate with her." After saying that, he pulled Shangguan Yu'er and left.

(End of this chapter)

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