Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 1394 I was reprimanded by him for no reason

Chapter 1394 I was reprimanded by him for no reason
Chapter 1410

The other guard who was following Shangguan Tuo didn't make a sound. Shangguan Tuo didn't get a response, and turned his head to stare at the guard, which made the guard tremble.

Shangguan Tuo was born in martial arts. Although Dongli's 20 troops had just arrived in his hands not long ago, he was thrown in the barracks to practice after beating the little old man, and he developed some military habits. In his opinion, this kind of guy who trembles when he sees people is very spineless.

He kicked the guard's thigh and knocked him to the ground, which was considered as a gesture of affection for his feet, otherwise, his leg would definitely be useless now.

"Are you dumb? Can the light shake but not speak?"

Enduring the pain, the guard knelt on the ground unable to get up, hurriedly said in a trembling voice: "Go back, go back to Lord Hou, this subordinate also thinks that there must be someone to take care of them, otherwise they will not be able to fly even if they have wings."

"It's up to you to say? Why are you still standing there? Go and ask, find the cell boss, and ask them who has been to the sky prison today, especially those who have been in contact with this cell." Shangguan Tuo said coldly. face said.

The guard said with a bitter face: "Master Hou, you have killed all the cell bosses, and now I'm afraid we can't find anyone who knows."

That's right, he just killed a few people, damn it, if he knew it, he would have left him alive.

Shangguan Tuo felt some pain in his temples, and his breathing became more and more short of breath. Could it be because of drinking too much?

He rubbed his forehead and walked out of the cell, striding out, Chu Tianqi followed unhurriedly, the guard also let out a big breath, his life was saved.

After leaving the prison, Shangguantuo's head hurt even more when his eyes met the sunlight, like a needle prick.

"Your Majesty, I may have drunk too much today, and I feel a little uncomfortable. I'll go back to the mansion first, and find Jian Yun and that surnamed Wan. You don't have to be polite to them, just kill them." Shangguan Tuo thought that the two The old, the weak, the sick, and the disabled, even if they escaped from the Heavenly Prison, they would definitely not be able to escape from the Chu Palace. As long as they spend time looking for them, they will find them naturally. It's just a matter of time.

Shangguan Tuo first returned to Yonghe Hall, drank a glass of soberness, and his headache symptoms were slightly relieved, which made him more sure that his headache was caused by drunkenness, and he didn't think about it elsewhere.

"Master Hou, you don't look very well. What happened?" Seeing her husband's appearance, Liao asked with concern.

Shangguan Tuo had a headache at first, and the anger in his stomach had not yet been exhausted, Liao Shi annoyed him as soon as he opened his mouth, and reprimanded: "Listen to what you mean, do you want something to happen to me?"

Liao Shi was reprimanded by him inexplicably, but she just asked kindly, why is she so eager?
"Master Hou, where did you say that? I just—"

Shangguan Tuo didn't wait for her to speak, cut her off, waved his hand impatiently and said: "Okay, okay, don't babble here, let's go, go back home."

Liao's tears fell immediately. Even if her husband lost his temper in the past, it was only when they were alone in the room. In front of outsiders, especially in front of his daughter-in-law and children, that was enough for her. To save face, I never blush with her, what happened today?
Seeing her mother like this, Shangguan Yu'er felt very uncomfortable, and couldn't help but ask Shangguan Tuo, "Father, what's wrong with you? Mother just saw your face and asked, why are you still angry at mother? "

Shangguan Tuo usually dotes on this daughter very much, but at this time his heart is burning, and even looking at his daughter is very unpleasant.

(End of this chapter)

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