Chapter 1395
Chapter 1411

"What do you know? Ladies and gentlemen, stop meddling with the old men's business, and take care of yourself more. Look at you, crying and crying at every turn. What are you doing? It's alright, alright, go home and wake up, don't Embarrass me in this palace."

He stood up with a frown, and walked out. He no longer had the demeanor of the past, and his whole body was covered with a sinister aura of coldness.

Shangguan Yu'er was also taken aback by her father's fierceness, "Mother, what's wrong with father? Why are you throwing a temper tantrum?"

Liao wiped away her tears, and forced a dry smile: "Perhaps it's because the prisoner escaped, and he feels bad, that's all, don't worry about him."

Seeing her mother-in-law and sister-in-law deflated in front of Lord Hou, Sun Liuliu felt very comfortable. She wished that such a thing would come three or five times a day to see how they still held their heads high in front of him.

Shangguan Yu'er stole a sideways glance at Sun Liuliu, and saw that although she was frowning, the smile in her eyes couldn't be hidden. This woman, as her elder brother said, has a rotten heart.

No wonder the elder brother always looked at her and didn't say anything. He was blinded by his good skin, but he had a black heart.

Shangguan Nuo said: "Mother, let's go back, we will not come here in this palace from now on."

Liao looked at her son, knew that there was something in his words, and sighed in her heart, she was a woman, she couldn't tell right from wrong, she only knew to marry a chicken as a chicken, and marry a dog as a dog, she had no choice.

On the way to Jingdemen, Sun Liuliu seemed to have discovered something, hurried to Shangguan Yu'er's side, and asked in a low voice: "Yu'er, have you seen Xiaoguan?"

Shangguan Yu'er raised her eyebrows and said, "Why do you always stare at Ren Xiaoguan? What exactly do you want to do?"

Sun Liuliu didn't expect her to ask back, she was taken aback for a moment, then said with a dry smile: "What I can do is to care about your elder brother, he is my husband."

Shangguan Yu'er snorted coldly: "Since you care about him so much, then go ask him yourself."

How could Sun Liuliu dare, she didn't even dare to stand beside Shangguan Nuo now, so she could only fan the flames with Shangguan Yu'er.

Now even Shangguan Yu'er refuses to talk to her, she can only swallow her curiosity and dare not say any more, after all this is the imperial palace, not the Shangguan mansion, when she returns to the Shangguan mansion, she will naturally have a way to know what she wants to know .

After Shangguan Nuo left the city gate, he said goodbye to his mother, saying that he still had things to do and would return home later.

Mrs. Liao doesn't have the mind to control him now, his mind is in a mess, he doesn't know what happened to her husband today, why he made her look ugly in public, could it be that after he tasted the dragon seat, he can no longer look down on her as a bastard wife?

"Go, come back earlier, calm down a bit, don't make your father angry." Liao Shi ordered lightly.

Shangguan Nuo nodded: "Son understands."

The carriage team of Shangguan's family gradually drifted away, Shangguan Nuo did not go far, but found a hiding place to hide, waiting for the reading to come out.

Zhaoyuan Palace

As soon as Shangguan Tuo left, Chu Tianqi came to Zhaoyuan Palace. The uncle and nephew met each other, as if they had passed away, their eyes were red, and at the same time, they thought of Qi Rongyue and Zheng Zhongwen who did not know whether they were alive or dead.

Chu Tianqi held Nianwen's hand tightly, and said in a choked voice, "Wen'er, uncle is sorry for not being able to protect your mother and your father well, it's uncle who is useless."

Reading Wen shook his head, tears couldn't stop falling down: "No, it's Wen'er who is useless. When you need me, I always fail to get to you in time. I blame me for being useless."

(End of this chapter)

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