Chapter 1409 Dependency
Chapter 1425

He really didn't know whether this was a good thing or a bad thing.

Chu Tianqi put down the file in his hand, raised his bloodshot eyes, and said with a smile that was not a smile: "Wan Kun, Sure enough, as you expected, he will enter the palace no matter what.”

Wan Kun smiled lightly: "That's natural. How can he feel at ease if he doesn't grasp the power he has acquired so hard?"

Wan Kun turned to look at Chu Tianqi: "Your Majesty, why do you think he is in such a hurry to enter the palace today?"

Chu Tianqi snorted coldly: "There are only two things. I want to know if your parents have been found. This is one of them. The memorials to impeach Tianhu have piled up like a mountain in the past few days. If he comes today, he may move the western border."

Tianhu commanded 15 soldiers and was ordered to guard the western frontier. He was still in command of the Black Cavalry Army. He found another place in the territory of the Chu Dynasty to raise soldiers. He acted secretly, and few people knew the inside story.

Shangguan Tuo obviously still couldn't figure out the situation in Xijiang, he wanted to move but didn't dare to act rashly, and kept pressing. Now that he is sitting on the ground, the news of the change in the capital will spread to Xijiang sooner or later, he knows Tianhu's mind very well , So just after entering Beijing, those ministers who turned against each other turned up one after another, and took this opportunity to stir up the western border.

Wan Kun said: "Your Majesty, now that the power is falling apart, even if he came here today for the sake of the western border, you must not act like a temporary force and disregard the overall situation."

Chu Tianqi nodded: "I understand, no matter what he says today, I just take him for granted. Tianhu is not a fool. Fuhu just had an accident. If he doesn't have any thoughts in his mind, then take it as my mistake." people."

Wan Kun nodded: "That's right, Zhenxihou is not only brave and good at fighting, but also has a delicate mind. He had a relationship with you back then. I believe he understands who you are. If he knows about General Fu Hu, he will definitely I will be prepared.”

Chu Tianqi smiled and said, "You and I thought of going together." He looked sideways at the young man beside him. He was only 14 years old, but he had such insight and resourcefulness. What was he doing when he was 15 years old?
Although he had already ascended the throne as emperor at that time, he relied on his sister and brother-in-law for everything, and most of the problems were settled by his sister and brother-in-law for him.

If he had Wan Kun's resourcefulness and ability, how could the throne that had been sitting for more than ten years easily fall into the hands of others?

If it was Wan Kun, such a thing would definitely not happen, and as far as it is concerned, he is still useless.

Seeing his strange expression, Wan Kun hurriedly asked, "What's wrong with you?"

Chu Tianqi shook his head: "It's nothing, I just think it's ridiculous when I think about my current situation."

Wan Kun brought warm tea to his side, and said in a warm voice: "Your Majesty, as the saying goes, you are not afraid of being stolen by thieves, but you are afraid of being remembered by thieves. If your throne is engraved by someone, that person will always find an opportunity to seize it. If it's not today, it will be tomorrow, it doesn't make much difference."

"Furthermore, our current situation is not the worst situation. At the very least, we still have a chance to turn around. Let's just wait. Shangguantuo's good days are over."

Chu Tianqi knew that Wan Kun had given Shangguantuo medicine. Wan Kun never spoke big words. He said that Shangguantuo's good days were coming to an end, so it must be coming to an end.

Not long after, a eunuch came to announce the singing, and Daoxian Prince had an audience. The eunuch's singing had not yet finished, and before the emperor nodded in response to the announcement, the figure of Shangguan Tuo had already appeared at the gate of the hall.

(End of this chapter)

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