Chapter 1410 Back to the Past
Chapter 1426

The gloomy look on Chu Tianqi's face dissipated instantly, and a smile appeared on his face.

As soon as Shangguan Tuo entered the door, he found a seat and sat down by himself, and called Shangguan Nuo who was behind him to sit down together, without paying attention to the emperor Chu Tianqi at all.

In Shangguan Tuo's eyes, Chu Tianqi was a fake, his puppet, how could he take a puppet seriously?
"Master Hou must be in a hurry to come at this time." Chu Tianqi asked with a smile.

Shangguan Tuo took the teacup from the court lady, and did not rush to answer, but took a sip of the fragrant tea first, "Mm - good tea, the tea in this palace is different from other places, it is very fragrant."

Chu Tianqi smiled and said: "If Master Hou likes it, I will send someone to pack some new tribute tea and send it to your mansion later."

The corners of Shangguan Tuo's lips curled up slightly, with a strong sense of irony. He raised his eyes and glanced at Chu Tianqi, his eyes were cold.

"No need, I'm not here to taste tea." He put down the teacup in his hand, and said again: "Have you found Jian Yun and those two old men named Wan?"

Chu Tianqi shook his head: "Not yet, the palace has been turned upside down, and he couldn't find it. He is still looking for it now. As long as he doesn't leave the palace gate, he will always find it."

Shangguan Tuo said: "If you are alive, you must see people, if you are dead, you must see corpses."

Chu Tianqi smiled lightly and took a sip of the warm tea beside him.

Shangguan Tuo said again: "Have you read all the notes on the table?"

Chu Tianqi frowned, with a bitter expression on his face: "There are too many excerpts, I was dizzy after reading it, and I didn't remember what I read after reading it for a long time. It seems that the throne is not so easy to sit on." of."

Shangguan Tuo sneered: "Of course, you think any cat or dog can be the emperor? If the emperor is so easy, why is there only one emperor?"

Chu Tianqi also sneered in his heart, but his expression was half hidden, and he waved his hands pretending to be stupid: "I don't understand this. In short, as long as you don't read the brochures, everything is fine. Once you read the brochures, you will be overwhelmed."

If others heard this, besides making fun of Chu Tianqi, they would naturally look down on him as the emperor, but after hearing this, Shangguan Tuo felt at ease from the bottom of his heart, what he wanted was this effect, Otherwise, how can you rest assured?
"That way, if you really can't do what you want, after a while, I'll come into the palace to help you look."

Such rebellious words, spoken out of his mouth, are so smooth and natural.

Chu Tianqi hated the itching of his teeth, but he could only respond with a smile, "Then there is trouble."

Shangguan Nuo was confused when he heard the conversation between his father and the emperor. Is the emperor real or fake?
If it was false, how could Wan Kun be by his side?If it was true, how could he be so easy for his father's words and deeds.

Nian Wen winked at Wan Kun, and retreated quietly, Wan Kun also slipped out while refilling the emperor's tea.

The two met in the darkroom of the apse.

"Wen'er, are you okay?" Wan Kun held on to read Wen's hand tightly, his voice trembling slightly.

Read the text and nodded: "I'm fine, you don't have to worry about me, Shizun and they are also very good, Shizun, her old man told you to be careful in everything, don't try your best for a while, remember to keep the green hills, so you don't have to worry about running out of firewood."

Wan Kun pulled her into his arms, clasped her back tightly, and the unique fragrance of her body poured into his nostrils, and the emptiness and worry in his heart finally eased a lot.

"Wen'er, when I'm not by your side, you have to protect yourself. It won't be long before our life will go back to the way it was before, I promise you."

(End of this chapter)

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