Chapter 1411 The Arabian Nights
Chapter 1427

Reading the text pushed him away, and said with red eyes: "How can I go back to the past? My parents and younger brother are still alive or dead, maybe, maybe I will never see them again in my life, what should I do? What should I do? "

She never thought of leaving her parents, never thought that her parents would suffer such a catastrophe one day, and she never thought that the family that had always been happy and happy would become as fragmented as it is now.

Wan Kun grabbed her hand and said in a deep voice: "Wen'er, listen to me. I once heard from my mother about the princess when she was young. Her surname is not Qi, but Chu. She died tragically that year. The eldest princess who fell under the knife of the rebellious minister Chu Lian, the emperor's only sister."

Nian Wen was stunned, staring blankly at Wan Kun, "What did you say? What did you just say?"

"Wen'er, you didn't hear me wrong, and I didn't say it wrong. When Chu Lian rebelled, after the palace change, he tied the ten-year-old crown prince, your uncle, to the pillar of the palace, and let him watch him with his own eyes. Your parents died in front of your eyes, and your mother had not returned from her studies in Lai Wu, the daughter of Chu Lian designed to lure her back to the Chu Palace. Chu Lian revenge blood hatred, but your mother is only young, this is medical skills, martial arts are not superb, naturally she is not Chu Lian's opponent."

He read the text as if he was listening to the Arabian Nights: "How is this possible? The body of Princess Chu Tianyu is still buried in the imperial tomb. Two years ago, my mother took me to pay homage."

Wan Kun said: "I didn't lie to you. What I said is true. What is hidden in the imperial mausoleum is indeed the body of Princess Chu Tianyu. Since Qi Rongyue's body came back to life again, all kinds of things happened later. She endured hatred to survive and worked step by step, and finally helped her uncle regain the Chu Dynasty, and the Chu Dynasty has been stable and prosperous for more than ten years. .”

He clasped the shoulders of Lianwen, and said word by word: "I tell you this, just to let you understand one thing, your mother and your uncle have experienced ten times and a hundred times more hardships than you, but they still We survived, defeated the enemy, and defeated ourselves.”

"Your current situation is much better than when your mother and uncle were alone and helpless, and your parents may not have an accident. They may come back to you one day. Before that, you have to cheer up. No matter what happens, you must persevere, you must be like your mother, not to be knocked down by evil forces and difficulties, in this world, there is nothing that is impossible for human beings, only the pity and regret of giving up halfway."

Reading texts has always been clever, Wan Kun said so much today, she naturally understood what he meant, thinking of the hardships her mother and uncle had suffered back then, what is her current situation?
"I understand, Wan Kun, thank you." The sadness in her eyes disappeared, and her eyes were full of confidence and firmness: "No matter what happens, I will replace my parents, protect my uncle, and guard this great Chu mountain and river. "

Wan Kun breathed a sigh of relief, he knew Wen'er's temperament, as long as she settled down, the obstacles in front of her would not be obstacles.

"Wan Kun, I'm still staying in the Shangguan Mansion, what can I do?" she asked.

Wan Kun hurriedly said, "Of course, I was just about to tell you about this."

The two discussed carefully for a while, and seeing that it was getting late, they said goodbye reluctantly, returned to their respective 'masters', and continued their disguise.

(End of this chapter)

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