Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 1412 Floating with the Waves

Chapter 1412 Floating with the Waves
Chapter 1428

In an inaccessible valley, in a simple thatched hut, a family of three has lived here for a whole month.

In order to protect their children that day, Rong Yue and Zheng Zhongwen were both seriously injured when they fell from the mountain. Fortunately, the raging river did not wash away their family. The two of them, one on the left and the other on the right, supported the plank and floated with the waves.

The injuries on their bodies became worse after soaking in the water for a long time. At the beginning, they drifted with the current just to avoid the pursuers and stay away from the place where the incident happened. But later, the water flow became more and more turbulent. , They have been unable to stop themselves, unable to swim back to the shore from the water.

After floating for an unknown amount of time, the current gradually slowed down, and they were pushed to a beach by the water.

Zhongwen woke up first, the sky was full of stars, and under the moonlight, he tried his best to drag his son and Rongyue ashore.

Zhou'er didn't suffer any injuries, but was overly frightened. In addition, he was soaked in the icy river for a long time and hadn't eaten for several days.

Rong Yue's leg was injured, her left calf was very swollen, the wound was already soaked in blisters, and her body was also extremely hot.

But his injury was on his back, so it didn't affect his walking. He dragged Rongyue and Zhou'er to the grass by the bank, and walked around by himself, hoping to find someone to spend the night to treat his illness.

But in this place, except for the chirping of insects and birds, there is nothing, no houses, no people.

He didn't dare to go far, and he was afraid that some fierce beast and poisonous snake would rush out suddenly, which would be bad for Rong Yue and Zhou'er.

In the current situation, both mother and son have lost the ability to defend themselves, and anything can kill them.

The night wind dried his clothes, and he had been soaking in the water for the past few days. This old feeling of dryness made him completely alive.

At dawn, Rong Yue gradually woke up. The first moment she regained consciousness, she immediately sat up and looked around. Zhou'er and Zhong Wen were both there. They were both there.

She breathed a sigh of relief, only then did she feel the severe pain in her leg.

Seeing her wake up, Zhongwen hurried forward: "How are you?"

Rong Yue frowned, and tried to move her leg: "The injury to the left leg is very serious, if it is soaked in the water for another day, it will be hopeless, and the right leg is broken, so I can't move it now."

She looked sideways at Zhongwen, saw that his limbs and body seemed to be fine, and said, "Turn around, I'll take a look behind you."

Zhongwen smiled and said: "I'm fine, I'm fine, let me show Zhouer."

The moment she glanced at Zhou'er, she knew he was fine. He was just suffering from some wind and cold. Although it was severe, it would not kill him. Even if he didn't take medicine, he would be fine now that he got out of the water. .

"Zhou'er is fine, just turn around and let me have a look." She remembered that when she fell from the cliff, a corner of the carriage was about to hit her back, and he turned around with his arms around her, and the corner of the carriage clearly hit her Swallowed his back, he bled a lot at that time, and after soaking in the water for so long, it was impossible for him to be fine.

Zhongwen knew her temper, if he didn't obey her, he would never give up, so he had to turn around slowly.

Except for a bloodstain on his back and some damage on his clothes, at first glance, nothing seemed to be visible.

But Rong Yue is a doctor, she knows that after the flesh is injured, pus will develop when exposed to water, and the wound will become bigger and bigger. Even if there is no bleeding, it does not mean that the wound has started to improve.

(End of this chapter)

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