chapter 1413

Chapter 1429

She asked him to squat down, and reached out to tear off his robe. As she expected, the inner garment on his back was tightly stuck to the carrion, and the silver inner garment was covered with dark yellow pus. And the stench of the carrion kept getting into her nostrils.

He looked like he was fine, but this injury was worse than the injury on her leg. He just didn't want her to worry.

Holding back her tears, she took a deep breath, looked around, and asked, "Is there no one around here?"

Zhongwen put on his coat and shook his head: "No, there is no one, it seems that no one lives here."

Rong Yue said: "I don't know how far it is from the capital. In any case, we must recover from our injuries before we can continue on the road ahead."

Zhongwen nodded: "That's right, I just took a look around while you were awake, there is a forest over there, there are rabbits and pheasants in it, I will hunt some later, we have to eat first, to survive."

Rong Yue nodded: "Okay, but before that, I have to heal your injuries first, whether it's your injuries or mine, we can't delay any longer."

Under Rongyue's order, Zhongwen picked up a lot of firewood and dry leaves. Fortunately, the flint on his body has never been lost. It is not so easy to make a fire now. The ancients drilled wood to make fire, it was not easy A few drills will do the trick.

After the dagger was roasted, she cut off the carrion from Zhongwen's body bit by bit. Since there was no golden medicine, she chewed the herbs picked nearby and applied it bit by bit, and then tore the clean side of the inner garment into wide strips. Bandage his wound.

After Zhongwen treated the wound, he felt his back hurt ten times more than before.

"It's right that it hurts. You didn't feel pain before because the carrion was eroding your body little by little. The pain is paralyzing. When the wound gets bigger and bigger, it can no longer heal."

Zhongwen smiled and said: "I'm fine, you take care of your injuries first, I'll go to the woods and get some food back."

Rong Yue hurriedly took his hand: "No, you have just healed your wound, so you can't go hunting, so just stay by the river to see if you can spear two fish."

Zhongwen didn't feel worried about keeping the two of them, so he simply agreed and found two branches to make a harpoon.

Looking at the situation in front of him, he couldn't help but think of the situation when he was fighting bandits in Jincheng.

In order to save Rongyue, both of them fell down the hillside. After that time, she finally agreed to be with him.

"Why are you in a daze?" Rong Yue couldn't help asking when she saw that he had slashed a few times with the dagger and then stopped there in a daze.

Zhongwen asked with a smile: "Do you still remember the time when we rolled down that hillside outside Jincheng together and fell into the stinky ditch?"

Rong Yue pursed her lips, "Of course I remember, I don't know who is hiding behind the grass and watching me take a shower."

Zhongwen laughed: "Am I that kind of person? I saw it by accident, and I didn't know what happened at the time. I saw such a beautiful scenery, and I knew I couldn't continue to look at it, but those legs seemed to be drunk. Like lead, you can't even move your mouth, and you can't move your eyes, but fortunately you have a big belly and didn't take me for a stinky hooligan."

Rong Yue raised her eyebrows: "How do you know that I don't think of you as a rogue?"

Zhongwen stretched out his hand and pinched her cheek: "I don't know your temper yet? If I'm a rogue in your eyes, you probably won't look at me again."

Rong Yue gave him a sideways glance: "You've got the advantage and you're acting good. If what you saw was not me, but someone else, what would you do?"

(End of this chapter)

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