Chapter 1415 Dream

Chapter 1431

"Mother, you eat first, I'm not hungry yet." Zheng Zhou handed the grilled fish to his mother.

Rong Yue was quite touched, feeling that after experiencing these hardships, his son seemed to have grown up, he would worry about his sister's safety, and he would love his parents around him.

She pushed the fish back: "Zhou Er eats, mother is not hungry."

Zheng Zhou shook his head: "As long as Zhou'er has been hungry, mother has been hungry for as long. Zhou'er is hungry, and mother must be hungry too. What's more, mother is still injured. Mother, eat quickly and get better soon. I still have to learn kung fu from you. .”

She took the grilled fish with a smile, took a bite of the tender fish, and handed the rest back to Zhengzhou: "Okay, I've already eaten, you can eat quickly."

Zhengzhou watched his mother swallow the fish in her mouth, and forced her to take two more bites before swallowing the rest.

Zheng Zhongwen, who was on the side, looked at his son's sensible appearance, and felt quite proud. His Zheng Zhongwen's son should look like this, a good one.

After the whole family was full, Zheng Zhongwen took his son to cut a lot of branches and bamboos nearby. Based on his field survival experience, he worked all day and finally built a simple shed for shelter.

Until Rongyue's leg is healed, they can only live here temporarily. There is a grass shed, which can at least provide shelter when it is windy and rainy.

In the middle of the night, Rong Yue woke up profusely with sweat, and Zheng Zhongwen's concerned eyes were in front of her eyes: "Yue'er, what's wrong with you?"

Rong Yue supported Zheng Zhongwen's hand and sat up, and the bloody scenes were still in front of her eyes: "I dreamed of my father, queen and mother, they were lying lifeless in a pool of blood, but I—" She will never forget Back then when she rushed into the Chu Palace with a sword in hand, she saw the scene of her father, queen and mother lying in a pool of blood, and Tianqi's eyes that were already desperate. Falling down, that shred of hope finally turned into despair. At that time, Tian Qi was only ten years old!
History repeats itself again, and tragedy reappears again in their lifetimes. This time, can Tianqi survive?

Zhong Wen hugged her into his arms and patted her on the back lightly: "It's okay, it will be fine, everything will be fine when we return to Kyoto."

The night wind is desolate, it cannot blow away sorrow, nor can it dissipate sorrow.

The so-called house leak happens to rain all night, and Zhengzhou seems to be in good spirits during the day, but in the middle of the night he suddenly starts to have a fever, his whole body is hot, and he is so hot that he talks nonsense.

Seeing her son's situation, Rong Yue was very anxious, but she didn't have any medicine in her hand, even the needle pack she usually carried on her body was lost on the road, she had all her medical skills, but she couldn't use them.

"Zhou'er looks very bad, what should we do now?" Zhongwen was also panicked, now they want medicine and no medicine, and they don't care what they want.

Rong Yue turned her head to look at the sky outside, and said, "I'll look for medicine as soon as the sun rises, you stay here and take care of Zhou'er, there must be medicine that can reduce fever in the woods here."

Zhongwen shook his head: "No, no, your leg is so injured that you can't even walk. How can you find medicine? Tell me what the medicine looks like, and I'll look for it."

Rong Yue looked at her injured and broken legs. With these two legs, she probably would have fallen before she reached the woods. By then, not only would she not be able to save Zhou'er, but they would also be in a terrible situation. more and more difficult.

She finally nodded: "Okay, you can go find it. You have often helped me dry the medicine these years, and you know a little bit about herbal medicine. I believe you will be able to find it."

(End of this chapter)

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