Chapter 1416

Chapter 1432

After finally surviving until dawn, Rong Yue explained the shapes of several herbs in detail, and then drew patterns on the ground with branches.

Before Lin Zhongwen went out, she asked him to look for thick moso bamboos nearby. Zhongwen went to scan around, and found them, and chopped two to bring back.

Rong Yue stayed in the thatched hut while taking care of Zhou'er, and at the same time cut off a few knots of bamboo to use for decocting medicine and drinking water.

When Zhouer woke up, the high fever subsided a little, but he started to cough again. This kind of severe wind and cold is like this. The high fever will subside during the day and come back again at night. This is the initial symptom. The high fever persists, and if it is not treated in time, it may burn out the brain, just like the child of Qi Yongchun and Liang Shi.

No, her state would never be like that, never.

God is very lucky, at noon, Zhongwen came back, holding a big push of herbs and two hares.

"I really can't recognize many medicines. I dug up the ones that looked alike. Take a look." Zhong Wen sent a bunch of herbs to Rong Yue.

Rong Yue glanced quickly, and said with a smile: "Although there are many useless things in it, we still have what we need. Thank you for your hard work. Take a rest. I'll pick up the medicine."

Zhongwen saw the bamboo tube on the side, and said with a smile: "I wondered when you asked for this bamboo, but I didn't expect it to have such a magical effect. I was still thinking about what to use for decocting medicine along the way. Although this bamboo tube is not the most OK, but better than nothing."

He picked up two hares and said: "I'll go to light a fire and take care of these rabbits. You pick up the medicine and call me."

Seeing his parents busy inside and out, Zhengzhou couldn't bear it: "Father, mother, I'm fine, you don't have to worry about me, even if I don't take medicine, I will be fine. When I was sick last year, the medicine you boiled , I dumped them all, isn’t it all right?”

Rong Yue smiled and said: "Fool, we are not tired, we are free when we are idle, these herbs are ready-made, and we don't need to spend money to buy them, we will recover sooner after taking them, don't talk, just lie down and rest."

Zhengzhou is eight years old this year. He has read a lot of books and learned a lot of truths, but in the past these truths were just poured into his mind in the form of words.

But this time he encountered a catastrophe, and he learned much more than what he learned in books and from his husband in the past eight years.

He learned to be strong, to endure, to be humble, and to protect.

He also deeply understood the true meaning of "poor parents in the world".

No matter what the situation was, the parents never wanted to give up protecting him for a moment, and no matter how much pain the parents were suffering, they never only wanted to make him suffer less.

How selfless the parents' love for their children is, he never knew it, didn't understand it, and never thought about it. Parents, guard their home.

Although the conditions were simple, they used limited resources to create countless possibilities. Zhengzhou's illness was finally cured on the third day after taking the medicine. Zheng Zhongwen's back injury and Rongyue's leg injury also gradually improved.

Half a month later, Rong Yue was finally able to walk a few steps with a cane. The broken leg was still unable to move, but the wounded leg was already half healed. Although it hurts every time she walked, it was better than being like a paralyzed person. One sits strong on the ground every day.

(End of this chapter)

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