Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 1419 Rich people in the city

Chapter 1419 Rich people in the city
Chapter 1435

The young man almost forgot that the land he was in belonged to the western frontier. Apart from working, he still worked all day. There is still enough firewood for a few days. Apart from these, there seems to be nothing else that can arouse his interest.

Including the territory of Huangtuo Village where he lives, and which country he is from, it doesn't matter to him.

Zheng Zhongwen glanced at the tired and haggard Rong Yue and Zhou'er, and said to the young man, "Is your home far away? Can I come to your house and ask for a bowl of water?"

Seeing them like this, the young man was really pitiful, so he couldn't bear to refuse, he hurriedly said: "Not far, not far, turn over the small hill ahead and you will see Huangtuo Village, come with me."

The three of them followed the young man to Huangtuo Village, Zhongwen was afraid that Rongyue's legs would not be able to bear it, so he carried her on his back all the way.

Huangtuo Village is a typical small village in a poor mountain valley. The best houses in the village are adobe houses. Most people still live in thatched huts, wearing coarse cloth clothes that cannot be seen in color, and their faces are uniformly dark. It's very hot here, with plenty of sunshine. It's normal for the big guys to work in the fields all year round.

Rong Yue has always had fair skin, and it is not easy to get tanned. In addition, she has been recuperating in the grass shed these days and rarely basks in the sun. At this time, her skin is still very fair. After basking in the sun, his wheat-colored skin became much paler. No matter how you look at it, he looks like a rich man in the city, which is different from the poor people in the mountains.

Ah Niu led Zheng Zhongwen's family of three around the village, attracting the attention of many people. After they passed by, they all started talking behind them. I don't know where Ah Niu brought him back. It was tattered, but the material was quite different from the ones on them, and the aura around them was even more extraordinary.

If it was an ordinary person, there might have been someone with good intentions blocking Ah Niu's way, so ask the three of them clearly.

But these three people didn't seem to be easy to provoke, and no one dared to block the way.

A Niu turned to Zheng Zhongwen and said, "Uncle Zheng, don't pay attention to them. There are very few outsiders here. They will inevitably be curious when they see you, and there is no malice."

Zheng Zhongwen nodded and smiled lightly: "I know, you don't have to say this, we all understand and don't care."

While speaking, they had already arrived outside the fenced yard of A Niu's house. A Niu pushed open the fence door and invited the three of them in.

The yard is not big, there is a lot of dry firewood pushed in the corner, and there are bamboo poles for drying clothes in the yard, and a few pieces of clothes full of patches are hanging out to dry, which have been falling on the ground for two years. He was enjoying the shade under a pomelo tree, when he heard the movement, he hurriedly shouted, "Ah Niu is back?"

Ah Niu was walking towards that corner with the firewood on his back, and replied without looking back: "It's me, Grandma, wait a minute, I'll come over after putting down the firewood."

Rong Yue stared at the old lady, although the old lady's eyes were looking in the direction of A Niu, but her eyeballs were motionless, without expression.

As a doctor, her curiosity arose spontaneously, she stepped forward spontaneously, and waved her hand in front of the old lady's eyes. The old lady's eyes blinked, and her reaction was a little slow.

"You can see, but you can't see, can you?"

When the old lady heard footsteps approaching, she saw a figure approaching her eyes. She couldn't see what it looked like. She thought it was A Niu unloading firewood, but she didn't expect it to be a completely unfamiliar voice, a woman.

(End of this chapter)

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