Chapter 1420 Eyes Can Be Healed

Chapter 1436

The old lady looked surprised: "Who are you? Why are you in our house?"

At this moment, Ah Niu came over in a hurry, and said to the old lady: "Grandma, this is Aunt Zheng, I met on the road, they were tired from the journey, they came to our house to beg for a bowl of water."

The old lady snorted, "Then why are you still standing there, go and fetch water for them, it's so hot today."

A Niu went away with a smile, the old lady turned her head to Rongyue and said, "Sit down quickly, my eyesight is not good, I can't greet you, don't take offense."

Rong Yue smiled and said: "Ma'am, you are being polite, we are the ones who interrupted you, Ma'am, are your eyes completely blurred or blurry?"

The old lady waved her hand: "Hey, it's not that I can't see clearly at all. I can still see some shadows and lights, but it's too blurry. I can't see anything other than recognizing the Tao."

Rong Yue took a closer look at her eyeballs, there was a white fleshy albuginea outside the dark brown pupil, the albuginea completely covered the pupil, it seemed that this albuginea was the culprit that caused her eyes to lose their ability to see.

Ah Niu brought out water and handed a bowl to each of the three.

After Rong Yue drank the water, she said to A Niu: "Your grandma's eyes can be cured, why not treat her?"

A Niu was surprised and said: "Can it be cured? But Dr. Xu in my village said that it can't be cured. He said that my grandma is old and her eyes are not working anymore. Don't say that I don't have money to treat it. Even if I have money, it can't be cured. years."

Rong Yue said: "Doctor Xu said such a thing, I don't want to make any comments, but I want to tell you that your grandma is not blind, her vision is blurry now, not because of her age, but because of her eyesight. Something has grown, as long as the thing is removed, her eyes will be back to normal."

As soon as the old lady heard this, the expression on her face immediately became richer, and she could see the obvious excitement. No one wants to be a blind person who sits and waits to die. Although she is Ah Niu's grandma, she is not old. She can't move, but she still has the physical strength to work. She doesn't want to sit at home all day waiting to die. She wants to share more with A Niu so that he doesn't have to work so hard. At a young age, he has to shoulder the burden of a family. .

"Big sister, what do you mean, my eyes can really be saved?" The old lady stood up with her hands on the chair, and said to Qi Rongyue.

Qi Rongyue nodded: "Of course, your eye disease is a very common disease. I have seen many old people like you, but they all recovered after treatment."

Of course the old lady wanted to be treated, but she had to face the reality that medical treatment needed money, and what their family lacked most was money.

"Does it cost a lot of money to cure this eye?" The old lady asked in a soft voice, a little timidly.

Qi Rongyue glanced at the dilapidated house of their family, thinking of the life of the father and grandson who depended on each other, how could they have the money to treat their eyes, and it would be good to have something to eat.

"If you go to the city to treat it, you will naturally have to spend some money, but if you can find herbs yourself, you can cure it without spending money."

A Niu hurriedly said: "But I don't know any herbal medicine at all. Where can I find it? Even if I find it, I'm afraid I will miss it because I don't recognize it." A Niu was a little frustrated.

Qi Rongyue said: "You don't have to worry about this, I will draw a picture for you, you can look for it according to the picture on the picture, after you find it, you don't have to rush to take medicine first, take it and show it to Doctor Xu in your village .”

(End of this chapter)

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