Chapter 1422 Helping Relatives
Chapter 1438

He must be healed!

Not every doctor dares to say this sentence. No matter how skilled the doctor is, he dare not easily say the words "sure to recover" to the patient, unless the person is 100% sure about the disease, but things in the world , How many cases can people have such confidence?
This is not only an affirmation of one's own medical skills, but also a kind of detached self-confidence.

Ah Niu's mood began to become excited, he didn't hold much hope before, he just had an attitude of giving it a try, this time he heard the word 'sure to recover', he knew that Grandma's eyes were saved.

A Niu wanted to kneel down to thank him, but Rong Yue saw through it at a glance, and took the first step to support him, preventing him from kneeling: "A Niu, you helped us, and we will help you too, so you don't need to say thank you."

A Niu said: "But me, but I just gave you a bowl of water, but you saved my grandma's eyes."

Rong Yue smiled lightly: "The kindness of dripping water, when you help us, you don't know that I am a doctor, and you don't know that I can cure your grandma's eye disease. You just want to help us. A pure and kind character is hard to buy, A Niu, you are very good, compared to those who are born in the family, but do not think about making progress, you are a thousand times better than them."

Being praised by her, Ah Niu blushed, scratched the back of his head and smirked, "It's just that I did something that everyone should do. Look at what you said, it seems that I have done something remarkable."

Zheng Zhongwen then said: "Although things are small, not everyone will do it like you. The three of us have unknown origins. If we were ordinary people, we would have avoided it for a long time. For fear of causing trouble, you did not hesitate. It’s not a big deal for you to bring us home, but for us, it’s a timely gift, thank you, Niu.”

Ah Niu thought of the embarrassment he had when he first met them, and quickly asked: "You look like this, could it be that you were hunted down by your enemies?"

Zheng Zhongwen shook his head and patted him on the shoulder: "Not really, Ah Niu, we're leaving."

It's not that he pretends to be mysterious. Some things are better not known than known.

A Niu was a little bit reluctant, "Are you going to leave now? It's getting late, and I'm going to leave the village. I'm afraid it will be dark when I get to the town."

Rongyue thought that there were still some scattered silver in the brocade bag on her body, so she took some out of it and stuffed it into A Niu's hand: "A Niu, you don't have to worry about us, take good care of A Niu, if it's true If you can’t find the herbal medicine, you can use the money to buy it in the town. It’s not a precious herbal medicine, so if you think about it, the money is enough, and we don’t have much with us, so we can only help you.”

A Niu refused to accept it. Although he hadn't read the book, he still understood the meaning of the words "no merit, no reward".

Zhengzhou smiled and said: "Brother A Niu, why don't you give us some dry food to eat on the way, and just pretend that my mother bought it with the money, how about it?"

Rong Yue felt that this method was feasible, so she nodded to A Niu: "That's good, and it will save us from going hungry on the way."

A Niu looked puzzled: "But our family in the mountains, we don't have any decent things at home, I'm afraid you won't be used to it."

Zhongwen pointed to the sweet potatoes piled up in the corner of the yard and said: "I think those sweet potatoes are pretty good. While there is still some fire in the stove, I will roast a few and take them with me on the way. too much."

A Niu finally nodded, and no longer refused. He didn't know if he could find all the herbs. He really needed the money.

A Niu and Zhongwen sat around the stove roasting sweet potatoes, while Rong Yue stood by the fence and looked out. She saw an ox cart pulling some packed things going out of the village, she turned to A Niu and asked, "Who are the people in your village?" Will you still take things to sell in the town?"

A Niu glanced sideways at the bullock cart, and said with a smile, "You are talking about Uncle Xu, he is not selling things, a relative in his family works as a clerk in the barracks, and usually does some shopping. Uncle’s family grows sweet potatoes and corn, so I buy some from him, which counts as helping relatives.”

(End of this chapter)

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