Chapter 1423
Chapter 1439

"Which barracks is it? Where is it? What's its name?" Although he knew it was impolite and reckless, Zheng Zhongwen still asked.

A Niu was indeed a little surprised, but he didn't ask too much, pointing to the cattle driveway that was drifting away: "I don't know where it is, but if you want to know, I can ask Uncle Xu for you right now."

Zheng Zhongwen hurriedly said: "Then I will trouble you, I also have a relative in the military camp, I hope it can be in the same place, so I want to ask."

Ah Niu understood, hurried out of the courtyard gate, ran to Uncle Xu's ox cart and stopped him, after asking a few words, he waved to Zheng Zhongwen from a distance.

Zheng Zhongwen hurriedly led Rong Yue and Zhou'er forward: "Brother Xu, my surname is Zheng, a native of Kyoto."

Uncle Xu took a look at the three of Zheng Zhongwen and felt that the three of them were very unusual. They must not be ordinary people, maybe they were relatives of a certain general in the camp. To be honest, the military camp I am going to is in Xipan Mountain. I don’t know anything else. I only know that there are at least tens of thousands of troops stationed in Xipan Mountain. The general is also from Kyoto. I don’t know the specifics about who he is. gone."

Zheng Zhongwen looked overjoyed, and looked at Qi Rongyue with excitement.

It seems that they found Tianhu's barracks so easily by mistake, it was God's help.

Zheng Zhongwen hurriedly said: "Brother Xu, can you take us with you?"

Uncle Xu nodded cheerfully: "It's not difficult, but my ox cart is full of vegetables, so there's no room for people to sit on it." He saw Zhengzhou who was still young, and said with a smile: "Young master can sit on the side of the cart." , you two adults are going to follow me on foot."

Zheng Zhongwen cupped his hands in thanks: "Thank you, Brother Xu."

Zheng Zhongwen said goodbye to Ah Niu, but they got along for only half a day, but Ah Niu had already developed feelings for them, so they were separated at this time, and they felt very reluctant to part with each other.

He patted Ah Niu on the shoulder and said with a smile: "A man, you should aim everywhere. If you want to join the army in the future, you can come to Xipan Mountain. Although I am not in this camp, my friends can say what you want in the camp." , you just need to say my name, and he will arrange it properly."

Zheng Zhongwen leaned into A Niu's ear and whispered a word, A Niu showed gratitude and thanked him again and again.

The bullock cart walked quickly, staggered out of the village entrance, and headed towards Xipan Mountain.

Xipan Mountain is several tens of miles away from Huangtuo Village. Every time Uncle Xu goes out in the afternoon, he spends the night in the mountains and arrives at the barracks the next morning. Just in time for the camp, he delivers food every three days. Delayed.

"Stop." The guard guarding the gate of the barracks stopped Uncle Xu and the others. The guard glanced at Zheng Zhongwen and the others one by one, and then checked the vegetables on the car before asking questions.

"Didn't you come alone in the past, why did you bring so many people today? Don't you know the rules in the camp?"

Uncle Xu hurriedly said: "Master, I came here alone. They said I came from the capital, and I know the generals in this battalion. I happened to drop by, so I came together."

The guard raised his eyebrows, and his eyes fell on Zheng Zhongwen again, looking him up and down, "Do you know our general? That general? Tell me."

Just as Zheng Zhongwen was about to open his mouth, Qi Rongyue preempted him. She said, "We are relatives of General Yuan Bao. We made an appointment to come to Xijiang and came to see him. We were supposed to come last month. We came out on the way. Due to the situation, it has been delayed for some time, and it has been delayed until now."

(End of this chapter)

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