Chapter 1424 Ear, off?
Chapter 1440

Zheng Zhongwen didn't understand what Rong Yue meant at the beginning, until he saw a few rather unfriendly eyes at the gate of the camp, he realized it.

When the guards heard that they were looking for General Yuan Bao, their expressions softened a lot, and they hurriedly asked, "I don't know your surnames, so I can let someone in to inform you."

Rong Yue smiled and said: "I am General Yuan Bao's wife's natal family. My surname is Er. This is my husband. His surname is Guan. Please inform me."

"The surname is Er? This surname is really strange." The guard smiled, turned around and walked to several colleagues, whispered a few words, and immediately a young man entered the camp.

Uncle Xu was released, and they had to wait at the gate of the camp.

In the big tent, General Yuan Bao was in a hurry and shouted at the subordinates who were kneeling beside him: "I haven't found it after searching for so long, why did a living person suddenly disappear? Are you all dead? , you die a hundred times is not enough."

The lieutenant kneeling in the tent said with a mournful face: "General, this happened so suddenly. When the subordinates and Lord Hou saw each other passing the winding road, the murderers who suddenly appeared were all top-notch. Their target It was Hou Ye, Vice General Zhang and I were entangled by three black clothes, Hou Ye was one against five, he was wounded, and disappeared in a blink of an eye, and we don't know if he was kidnapped or escaped."

Yuan Bao was so anxious that he slammed his fist on the table in the camp, and the small wooden table was instantly shattered. He said angrily, "Who the hell is going against Lord Hou? Didn't anyone get caught?"

The two lieutenants shook their heads, lowered their faces, not daring to look at General Yuan Bao again.

"Trash!" Yuan Bao was so angry that he just wanted to kick the two of them away.

At this time, someone outside the tent shouted: "General Yuan Bao, some people from outside the camp said they are relatives of your wife's natal family. The male's surname is Guan, and the female's surname is Er. They want to see you."

Surname ear?His wife's surname is Zhong, how could his family's surname be Er?Besides, I have never heard of this Er surname. When did the Chu State have an Er surname?
Could it be some kind of liar who cheated on food and drink? Just as he was about to say no to see him, a flash of inspiration suddenly came to his mind, ears, turn off?Off, ear?Merge into Zheng?
Thinking of some things that happened recently, he hurriedly said, "Bring them in."

Yuan Bao said to the two lieutenants who were still kneeling on the ground: "What are you still doing in a daze? Why don't you send people to look for it soon? Get lost—"

The two lieutenants hurriedly got up and left the big tent in a hurry.

After a while, the guards guarding the camp gate brought Zheng Zhongwen and the other three to Yuan Bao's tent.

When Yuan Bao saw Zheng Zhongwen, his face was overjoyed, and he was about to salute, but Zheng Zhongwen held his arm and said with a smile, "General Yuan Bao, you are safe here." He winked at Yuan Bao, signaling him not to reveal his identity .

Seeing that the guard who sent people over hadn't left yet, Yuan Bao was staring at him, as if waiting to see his reaction, and suddenly understood something in his heart, he hurriedly said with a smile: "Brother Guan, you are here, I Looking forward to the stars and looking forward to the moon can be regarded as looking forward to you."

Seeing that the two were chatting enthusiastically, the guard seemed to have no problem, so he quietly backed away and left.

Waiting for the person to walk away, Yuan Bao hurriedly lowered his voice and said, "My lord, what's going on? How did you and the concubine become like this?"

The two of them were wearing tattered clothes, just like those who had fled. If they hadn't encountered some great difficulties, how could they be like this, standing side by side with the King and Princess Protector.

(End of this chapter)

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