Chapter 1428 Tiger Garden
Chapter 1444

Lieutenant General Li also seemed to have fallen into their hands. If he gritted his teeth and said nothing, then Lieutenant General Li did. . .

But if they said so, they would not let themselves go, so what should they do?
He rolled his eyes a few times, and finally thought of a clever plan, he hurriedly said: "I said, I said, but I said, can you spare my life?"

Hu Hai frowned, "Say it quickly, if you drag it on, I'll kill you with one blow."

Vice General Zhang hurriedly said, "I said, I said, don't get excited, Lord Hou, he is actually in the Tiger Garden on West Street."

Hu Haidao: "If you dare to play tricks, I will let you die without a place to bury you."

Vice General Zhang said: "If you don't believe me, I will take you there personally, and you will know when you go."

Hu Hai turned his head and said to He Jun who was beside him: "He Jun, go back to Xipan Mountain and answer. I will take Vice General Zhang to Huyuan first."

He Jun nodded, and a vigorous figure flitted out of the window and quickly disappeared into the night.

At this time, there was a waiter outside who brought wine and food, Deputy General Zhang yelled at the waiter to get out of the house, and then Hu Hai grabbed the collar and jumped out of the Xinghualou through the window.

He Jun flew all the way back to the camp in Xipanshan, where General Yuan Bao and the side-by-side king were interrogating Lieutenant General Li.

Lieutenant General Li's mouth was tighter than Vice General Zhang's, he didn't take hard and soft words, he didn't spit out a word, and insisted that this matter had nothing to do with him.

Until He Jun came back, he said in front of Vice General Li that Vice General Zhang had confessed.

Lieutenant General Li's complexion began to become very ugly. Qi Rongyue, who was sitting in the corner, kept staring at the emotional changes on Lieutenant General Li's face. Lieutenant Li's sullen face was visibly relaxed.

Qi Rongyue murmured inwardly that it was not good, it seemed that Hu Haimu had been fooled by Lieutenant General Zhang, Tianhu was definitely not in Huyuan.

She put the teacup in her hand heavily on the case, stood up and said to Yuan Bao: "Yuan Bao, you continue to interrogate him, Zhong Wen and I will go to Tiger Garden with He Jun."

Seeing the change in Qi Rongyue's face, Yuan Bao also sensed that something was wrong, his heart arose immediately, he poured all his anger on Lieutenant General Li, kicked him to the ground, and said angrily: "Go ahead!" Well, if I can't pry this mouth open today, I will write the word Yuanbao upside down."

Qi Rongyue and Zheng Zhongwen followed He Jun down Xipan Mountain, and rushed all the way to Xiyuan Town. The Tiger Garden is at the end of West Street in the town. He Jun has been here more than once, and he knows the way.

When the three of them came to the Tiger Garden, they didn't knock on the door, but quietly climbed over the wall and entered the courtyard. When they came to the backyard, they heard high-pitched and noisy sounds from time to time. It was late at night, and it was obviously abnormal to have such a loud noise. .

"Zhang Wei, you don't make mistakes again and again. Lord Hou treats you well. How can you be so ungrateful?" Hu Hai was furious, and the long sword in his hand had already been thrown on the ground. Zhang Wei.

Zhang Wei sneered: "Do you treat me well? I have been with him for six years. I was the lieutenant general four years ago, and I am still the lieutenant general now. To put it bluntly, he uses me as his right-hand man. To put it bluntly, he just uses me as his henchman. It's a bit confidential, when did he ask me to do it? After all, what he trusts the most in his heart is you majestic black cavalry, what am I? In his eyes, I, Zhang Wei, am nothing No, he married a wife and had children, and lived a carefree life, but what about us? Do we deserve to be single for the rest of our lives?"

Hu Hai said angrily: "You fart, how much did Hou Ye worry about your lifelong affairs? It's because you don't appreciate it, who do you blame?"

(End of this chapter)

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