Chapter 1429 The Taste of Death

Chapter 1445

"Damn! What is he called worrying about? Finding some local girls who look like melons and jujubes is called worrying? He knows how to pick a beautiful one when he marries himself. Why do we have to marry an ugly one when it's our turn?"

"You know what, Master Hou is doing it for our own good. As soldiers, we spend most of the year in the barracks and don't care about our family at all. If you find a beautiful wife to stay at home all day, you can feel at ease." ?”

Zhang Wei shook his head: "Only a fool like you would believe that Tianhu is for your own good."

The sharp blade touched Dina's slender neck, and traces of blood overflowed against the blade. She frowned and asked, "Where is Lord Hou? What did you do to Master Hou?"

Zhang Wei sneered: "He is at his place, seeing how you are in such a hurry that you don't even care about your own life, it really is a deep love between husband and wife."

Dina snorted, "Stop talking nonsense, kill as soon as you want, why put on a show here, but, seeing you like this, you don't dare to do anything, what? Are all the rhetoric just now used to coax children?"

Zhang Wei was furious, Dina had always looked down on him, when he asked Tianhu for a girl in his house, Tianhu agreed, but this wife Dina refused, she was just a girl, He is the deputy general beside Tianhu, isn't he worthy of a girl beside her?

Only later did I find out that it was Dina who believed that his character was flawed and refused to marry the girl. Since then, he has hated Dina.

"Mrs. Dina, you don't need to provoke me. When it's time to send you on the road, do you think I will be soft?" He stared at Hu Hai with vicious eyes: "You, pick up the knife on the ground."

Mrs. Dina was restrained by him, Hu Hai had no reason not to follow, he could only pick up the long knife on the ground as he wanted.

"Cut off the right arm." Zhang Wei stared at Hu Hai, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth, cruel and evil.

The dignified black cavalry joined the leader, and he was obedient in front of him like a dog.

"No, don't listen to him." Dina screamed with a pale face.

Hu Hai frowned. If cutting off his arm could save his wife's life, he would not hesitate for a moment. He was afraid. After he cut off his right arm, Hu Hai would become even more unscrupulous. At that time, who can stop him?It is also unknown when General Yuan Bao will come.

"I'll count to three. If you don't chop off, I'll chop off Madame Dina's beautiful head."


Hu Hai glanced at Dina, and slowly raised his long knife.


Just when Hu Hai's long knife was about to cut off, a small dagger flashed across the night sky and pierced straight into Zhang Wei's right arm.

Zhang Wei's right arm went numb for a while, and the long sword in his hand fell to the ground. Seeing the drastic change in the situation, Hu Hai slashed forward with the long sword in his hand, severely chopping off Zhang Wei's right arm.

Dina was pulled behind by Hu Hai and protected her.

Zhang Wei lost his right arm. Knowing that the situation was over, he rushed to escape. At this time, three figures floated down and landed in front of Zhang Wei, blocking his way and cutting off his escape route at the same time.

When Zhang Wei's eyes fell on Zheng Zhongwen's face, his face immediately became very ugly. Shouldn't the person in front of him be dead?Why did it still appear alive in front of his eyes?
Zheng Zhongwen raised his foot and kicked Zhang Wei. This kick was so fierce that Zhang Wei wanted to avoid it, but he had no chance.

He was kicked to the ground, spit out a mouthful of blood, his face was pale, his eyes finally started to panic, Zheng Zhongwen's arrival made him smell the smell of death.

(End of this chapter)

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