Chapter 1435 Relaxation
Chapter 1451

When Rong Yue woke up, it was already noon the next day, and it seemed that the fatigue accumulated for a long time broke out at this moment, like a broken reservoir dam, the torrent poured down, almost completely submerging her.

After all, she is old and is no longer the young and invincible Qi Rongyue.

Relying on a lot of concern and faith, she gritted her teeth and survived, and woke up overnight with a few gray hairs on her temples.

Looking at the strands of silver, Zheng Zhongwen was so distressed that he couldn't speak. If possible, he would be willing to shorten his life for ten years in exchange for her to live a peaceful and happy life, and stop worrying about the mundane things in the world.

She was born noble, but she endured all sorts of pains and tribulations, and finally survived with both her children and the peace of the country, but suffered adversity again. He is not her, so he cannot understand the pressure in her heart.

The country she defended with all her might is about to fall into the hands of others, and the younger brother she loves wholeheartedly is now unknown. . .

"Rong Yue, are you okay?" He held her hand, his voice choked slightly.

Rong Yue shook her head, got up and got out of bed: "I'm fine, where is Tianhu? How is he?"

Zhong Wen said: "He hasn't woken up yet, but his complexion looks much better, you don't have to worry."

Having said that, how can you really not worry?

When she got up, her eyes went dark for a while, and she fell back to the bedside.

Zhongwen looked anxious: "What's wrong with you?"

She shook her head: "I'm fine, it's just that I've slept for too long, and I'm in a hurry. It's fine, just take a rest."

She glanced at some food on the table, and there was still a little steam in the bowl of porridge, so she said: "Maybe I'm hungry, and I'm a little weak. You can ask someone to bring some sugar, and I'll mix it with porridge."

Zhongwen looked puzzled, "You have never liked sweets, why do you suddenly want to mix porridge with sugar?"

Rong Yue smiled and said: "It's not that I want to eat, it's just that I need it, and you don't understand it, so I will explain it to you slowly when I have time later."

Zhongwen turned around and went out, ordered a few words to the maid outside, and then came back.

"Yue'er, you are still weak now, don't force yourself in everything."

She knew what he meant, but she couldn't control the situation at the moment. It has been more than a month since she left the capital, and the capital city is not known what it looks like now. She must return to Beijing as soon as possible. Master, Tianqi, Wen'er, they are all here wait for her.

After eating, she walked around the room for a few times, and after she was sure that she was no longer dizzy, she immediately pulled Zhongwen out and hurried to Tianhu's residence.

Seeing her coming, Dina greeted her happily, took her hand and looked up and down: "Just wake up." When she caught a glimpse of the silver strands on her temples, her eyes froze obviously. A son and a daughter, but they haven't reached the age of gray hair, and they are all worried and depressed.

She didn't say much, just sighed secretly.

Rong Yue came to Tianhu's bed, checked it carefully, and her brows were still tightly knit.

"How is it?" Seeing her like this, Dina became nervous.

Rong Yue glanced sideways at the maid in the room, and said softly: "It's much better, but the treatment still needs to be continued. In this way, I will start to give acupuncture now. Dina, please stay and help, and everyone else should go out."

Dina looked at Rongyue in confusion, and was about to say something she didn't understand about acupuncture, but Rongyue shook her head at her, signaling her not to speak.

Her heart skipped a beat, she quickly shut up, and turned her head to wave to the maids in the room: "You all go down."

Rong Yue winked at Zhongwen again, Zhongwen understood, and after going out with the maid, he stood guard at the door, not letting anyone approach him.

(End of this chapter)

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