Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 1436 The enemy is in the dark and I am in the light

Chapter 1436 The enemy is in the dark and I am in the light
Chapter 1452

"Princess, what's going on?" Dina asked anxiously.

Rong Yue lowered her voice and said, "Have any suspicious people visited Lord Hou in the past two days?"

Dina shook her head: "No, I have been guarding the Hou Ye's bed for the past two days. Except for the maid to watch for a while when it is convenient, I guard the rest of the time by myself, and no outsiders come to visit."

Rong Yue asked: "Are the maids you mentioned reliable?"

Dina was puzzled: "What do you mean?"

Rong Yue glanced at the unconscious Tianhu on the bed, and said in a deep voice: "There is another poison in his body, very powerful, and quite different from the previous poison. Fortunately, he found it in time, so I won't be helpless. If I do it again Wake up a day or two late, the consequences will be disastrous."

Dina's face turned pale immediately, and she asked tremblingly, "You mean, someone poisoned Lord Hou again while you were sleeping?"

Rong Yue nodded, "That's right."

"But, how is this possible? Master Hou has never eaten, nor even drank a sip of water. How did you get this poison?"

Rong Yue sat down in front of the bed, stretched out her hand and pulled Tianhu's head, exposing the side of his neck in front of her eyes, three inches below the base of the ear, there was an inconspicuous needle hole, at first glance it looked like a small black hemorrhoid, But look carefully, there is a bruise near the black spot.

"What, what's going on? There wasn't such a thing before—" Dina panicked.

Rong Yue said: "Someone pricked Tianhu's neck vein with a poisoned needle, the toxin entered from the vein and penetrated into the limbs and bones. Fortunately, it was discovered in time before the poison invaded the bone marrow. I will immediately pull out the poison for him." , just pretend not to know about this matter, the person who poisoned him will definitely attack again, we must catch this person."

Dina nodded hurriedly, the tears in her eyes kept swirling, she tried her best not to let it fall, she was really useless, her husband looked like this, she couldn't share his worries, even took good care of him who had no ability to fight back He couldn't even do it, but someone poisoned him right under her nose, and the life he managed to save was almost lost.

Rong Yue turned her back to her, but could still feel her unbearable pain, sighed, and persuaded softly: "Dina, you don't have to blame yourself, the enemy is in the dark and we are in the light, it is impossible to guard against it, there is such a lesson Just be more careful in the future."

Dina nodded, and the crystal tears slipped down quietly, rolling on the back of that pale hand, she nodded: "I'm really useless, I can't even do this well."

Rong Yue said: "Fortunately, he was discovered in time, and he will be fine. Don't worry, I'm going to start doing acupuncture. You go outside and bring Zhong Wen in."

Dina hurried to go, and after Zheng Zhongwen entered the room, she stood where he was standing before, and looked around vigilantly, as long as it was an attendant who showed her face in front of her, she looked carefully.

These people are the people she is most familiar with. Everyone has worked in this mansion for at least three years. She really can't imagine who is behind the murder.

She thought carefully about the maids who had replaced her in the past two days, a total of three maids had replaced her, and each time was not long. The three maids were all big maids in her courtyard, and they were very trusted by her on weekdays. Could the poisonous person be one of these three people?

Feeling that someone was watching her secretly, she looked sideways, and saw Lianxiang standing at a corner not far away staring at her, and when she met her gaze, Lianxiang's originally expressionless face suddenly showed a little strange color, After hesitating for a while, he finally walked towards her.

(End of this chapter)

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