Chapter 1438 Zhier
Chapter 1454

Shu'er lay on the bed with a pale face and complained of a stomachache. A ten-year-old child is exactly the age to scream.

Yuan Bao stepped forward and touched his forehead, his face was covered with sweat, and his clothes were also soaked. If this continued, even if his stomach ached, he would catch a cold due to sweat.

Yuan Bao turned his head and scolded Lianxiang: "How do you take care of the young master? Don't you know how to change his body when he's soaked through?"

Lianxiang hurriedly said: "The general has wronged the servant girl. The servant girl just put it on for the young master when she left. It didn't take long for it to get wet again."

Yuan Bao's face was displeased, and after hearing her justification, his heart became more and more angry: "Are you reasonable? Madam asked you to take care of the young master, and that's how you take care of him? You know that the young master is not feeling well, and the pain is so painful, you still leave me alone." Send the young master out, is this what you should do? If you really want to find your wife, who can you let go? There is no one else in this mansion?"

Lianxiang looked aggrieved, but she didn't dare to tell any more, so she just lowered her head and didn't speak.

Yuan Bao didn't want to pay attention to her either, leaned over to pick up Shu'er, turned around and left the Shuju, just walked out a few steps, turned back again, and said to Lianxiang who was stunned by the door: "What are you still doing in a daze? Hurry up Come with clean clothes."

Yuan Bao is not stupid, thinking of Madam's expression just now, she knows that she must have doubts about Lianxiang, since she is the object of suspicion, he wants to keep her under their noses, so as not to cause any other troubles later.

Although Lianxiang was full of reluctance, she didn't dare to say no to General Yuan Bao. These generals were all murderers without batting an eyelid. If they provoked them and chopped off her head with a knife, who would she ask for reasoning?

Hu Hai at the other end also took Zhi'er to the main courtyard to go to the room.

Zhi'er is 13 years old this year, and she was born slim and tall. She looks like a lady in every move and gesture, but there is always a little cunning wisdom in her bright black eyes.

"Mother, what's the matter?" Zhi'er just visited her father in the morning, and now her mother suddenly sent Uncle Hu to bring her over. There must be something wrong, and Hu Hai's expression and eyes made her feel scared, as if Something incredible happened.

Dina shook her head: "It's nothing, it's just that I'm too tired to take care of your father alone, so I want you to help."

Zhi'er has always been smart, mother's words are a little unreasonable, but since she said it, she naturally has her reasons, in front of outsiders, she naturally didn't want to ask too many questions, so she only responded lightly.

After a while, Yuan Bao came over holding Shu'er who kept moaning in pain.

When Dina saw her son's appearance, she rushed forward anxiously, "How could this happen? What's going on?"

Wu Bao shook his head: "It's hard to say, let the public—oh no, let Mrs. Guan take a look. Mrs. Guan is very skilled in medicine. With her here, nothing will happen."

Mrs. Guan?
Dina raised her eyebrows and looked at Yuan Bao, who nodded slightly at her.

Dina understands, it seems that the identities of the princess and prince cannot be revealed for the time being, especially in front of these unknown people.

Dina said: "Let's put it down first, Mrs. Guan should come out soon."

When they were talking outside, they didn't deliberately lower the volume. The people inside heard their conversation clearly. Qi Rongyue pulled out the last silver needle on Tianhu's body. Although his body was already extremely tired, Still holding on, he shouted, "Bring Shuer in and show me."

(End of this chapter)

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