Chapter 1439 Treating her well

Chapter 1455

When Dina heard this, she was overjoyed immediately, and hurriedly called Yuan Bao to bring Shu'er in, and she also grabbed Zhi'er's hand, and said in a low voice: "From now on, don't leave my side, don't go anywhere."

Zhi'er nodded in response, and entered the room with her mother.

After Qi Rongyue had his pulse for Shu'er, he asked him a few more questions, and he was diagnosed immediately.

"It's nothing serious. It's probably because he has a bad stomach. I'll prescribe a prescription for him. He will be fine after taking two doses of medicine." She got up and went to the desk to write the prescription. Halfway through writing, she raised her head to look at Lianxiang and smiled lightly. Said: "Shu'er is still young, you must be very careful when taking the medicine, you must be careful when you take the medicine, don't take the wrong dose."

Lianxiang was taken aback, she obviously didn't expect Madam Guan to say this to her suddenly, her heart beat immediately, "Yes, this servant will definitely check carefully."

Seeing that Lianxiang's complexion became a little ugly and her expression became more and more nervous, both Dina and Rongyue knew it in their hearts.

After the prescription was written, Rong Yue directly handed the prescription to Lianxiang, telling her to grab the medicine quickly.

As soon as Lianxiang went out, Rong Yue winked at Yuan Bao, Yuan Bao understood and immediately followed her out.

Dina said: "Do you suspect that she has accomplices?"

Rong Yue nodded, "It's not doubt, but affirmation."

"The poison in Lord Hou's body is not ordinary poison. It is not a poison that can be bought in the street market. Someone must have contact with her. Even in this mansion, she is not the only spy."

Dina asked again: "What about Shu'er? Is Shu'er really okay?"

Rong Yue turned her head to look at Shu'er, and said in a deep voice: "The poison in Shu'er is a very common poison, and the poison is very shallow. It seems that she didn't want Shu'er's life, but just wanted to use Shu'er to support you. Walk."

Dina gritted her teeth in hatred: "If it's really her, I won't be able to spare her."

It has been five years since Lianxiang entered the mansion. For five full years, she, the mistress, has treated her well. She has made an exception and promoted her from a rough girl to a second-class girl, and then to a first-class girl. The wages have risen again and again, and some rewards are given from time to time. , The best materials are not less given to her, and she is always given leave when she has something to do at home.

She usually does her best in her work, and she is extremely reassuring to her. She never imagined that there would be a day when she would betray her.

"Dina, everything happens for a reason. There must be a reason for her to do so. This reason may be caught by someone. She probably doesn't want to hurt others, otherwise she wouldn't just give surgery With such a light poison, Master Hou will not still be alive, she should have been hesitating and hasn't made up her mind yet."

"This may also be an opportunity for us to follow her route and find the person behind her. That person must know something, something even we don't know."

She couldn't wait to know about the disappearance of Kyoto. Could this person who ordered Lianxiang come from Kyoto?
It is said that Yuan Bao followed Lianxiang out of the Tiger Garden. Lianxiang went out with the prescription and walked eastward. There was a non-growth pharmacy on the East Street. It was the largest pharmacy in Xiyuan Town. Lianxiang went directly to the pharmacy. Outside, wait for her to come out.

He waited and waited, but he didn't wait for anyone to come out. He secretly screamed that something was wrong, did he let her slip away?
No matter, go ahead and take a look.

Yuan Bao rushed into the pharmacy and stood dumbfounded in the empty lobby. There were only a few people in the pharmacy, including the waiter who greeted the customers and the shopkeeper who kept fiddling with the abacus.

(End of this chapter)

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