Chapter 1440 Mrs. Guan

Chapter 1456

Yuan Bao grabbed the buddy who came to greet him: "Where's the girl in green who just came in to grab the medicine?"

The man thought for a while, and hurriedly said: "You said that girl, she didn't grab the medicine, so she used the back door."

Yuan Bao yelled that something was wrong, and asked again, "How long have you been away?"

"No, not long." Seeing Yuan Bao's expression, the clerk was also frightened. He glanced at the shopkeeper standing behind the counter, then lowered his head and stopped talking.

Yuan Bao let go of the clerk's collar, walked away, and rushed out through the back door.

Outside the back door was a long straight alley, a very quiet alley, no one left or right at this time.

He walked to the right based on his feeling, and just after walking a dozen steps, he suddenly felt something was wrong, very wrong, he was very skilled, and followed Lianxiang all the way to this pharmacy, he was very careful to hide his tracks, Lianxiang is a weak woman, never Without learning martial arts, it is impossible for her to know that someone is following her, and it is absolutely impossible for her to notice him.

This pharmacy is also very strange. He has been here twice before, and every time the shop is full of people, the business is very good, but today there are no idlers, and the eyes of the guy just now, he asked him While talking, the guy's eyes were obviously dodging, he didn't dare to look into his eyes, and he even sneaked a glance at the shopkeeper during the conversation.

Ordinarily, when he grabbed the clerk by the collar, shouldn't the shopkeeper come out and ask what happened?Why is he so calm?Are you not afraid that he will suddenly pull out a knife and kill the guy in his shop?

The more he thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong, he turned around and went back to the back door of the pharmacy, the back door that was originally wide open was now closed.

Perhaps there is another possibility that Lianxiang didn't leave at all, she was still in this pharmacy, and the guy was lying just now.

Why are they lying?

Could it be that the person who instigated Lianxiang to poison her was in this pharmacy?
Thinking of this, he suddenly became very excited, as if the truth was right in front of him, and he could break it with a wave of his hand.

He raised his hand, and was about to push the door, when Qi Rongyue's advice sounded in his ear again, telling him not to startle the snake, and discuss everything with her first before deciding what to do.

He withdrew his hand, found the corner of the courtyard wall based on his memory, jumped up to the top of the wall, and saw that there was no one in the backyard, so he jumped off the courtyard wall.

When I came to the middle door, the door was closed, and I was hesitating how to get in, but I heard a low voice from the bungalow on the left.

He approached the bungalow with the closed door lightly, and heard someone talking in the house.

"What did you say? Tianhu is not dead yet?"

"Master Hou was poisoned and is still in a coma. It's uncertain whether he will survive."

This was clearly Lianxiang's voice, Yuan Bao secretly rejoiced that he didn't act in a mood today.

"Who is the doctor who treated him?"

"It's a lady. Her husband's surname is Guan. Everyone calls her Mrs. Guan."

"How is medicine?"

"I don't know. When she was treating Lord Hou, no one could be by her side except her husband. However, even though Lord Hou has been treated by her twice, he still hasn't woken up. Presumably, he is not a capable person."

"It's best if you don't have the skills. You go back as soon as possible. You must kill Tianhu within three days. I don't want to hear the news that he is alive after three days. You know what the consequences will be. You can handle it yourself."

"My lord, I've been exposed. How can I go back again? Isn't that a death sentence? Please, my lord, please let me go. In my next life, I will be your ox and horse for you in the next life."

(End of this chapter)

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