Chapter 1441 It's Just Doubt

Chapter 1457

"Who said you were exposed? It's just a suspicion, and you haven't got any evidence. If they ask you something after you go back, you just say that there are some medicines in this pharmacy, and you take a shortcut to another pharmacy through the back door."

After a moment of silence, Lianxiang finally nodded: "Okay, I promise you, but you have to keep your word. Let my parents go in three days and let our family reunite."

"Your parents are nothing to me, and killing them will do me no good. Don't worry, I will definitely reunite your family of three after the matter is over."

When this person spoke, there was a hint of sinister energy, which made people feel very uncomfortable. Lianxiang's back felt chills when she heard it. I don't know if there is a meaning behind what he said.

But now, where is she left with a choice, what else can she do but obey orders?

Yuan Bao retreated and found a hidden corner to hide. After a while, Lianxiang walked out of the bungalow first, went to the front hall to get the medicine, and then a man came out of the bungalow, it was the same person he had seen earlier. Over the side of the shopkeeper.

The shopkeeper looked very unfamiliar, and seemed to be different from the ones he had seen when he came to grab the medicine.

After the shopkeeper also went to the front hall, he jumped over the wall and left, returning home first.

Back in the Tiger Garden, Shu'er had already fallen asleep and looked much better, Zhi'er was sitting under the window reading a book, and Dina was guarding Tianhu's bed as usual.

"Ma'am, I'm back."

Dina got up quickly and asked Yuan Bao, "How is it? What did you find?"

Yuan Bao nodded and said the matter again.

Dina had no idea in her mind and didn't know what to do, so she said to Yuan Bao, "Go to the guest room and ask the princess and the prince what they mean."

Yuan Bao said: "I'll go right away, Lianxiang will come back later, don't use the medicine she brought back, wait until the princess has seen it."

Dina nodded: "I see, you can go now."

After Yuan Bao left, Zhi'er hurriedly put down the book in her hand, and went to her mother: "Mother, is what you said just now true? Lianxiang is really working for the wicked, trying to murder her father and younger brother?"

Dina lowered her voice and said, "No matter what you hear, just pretend that you don't know it. Our adults will handle this matter. Don't follow me indiscriminately, and you must not say anything in front of Lianxiang. We have our own opinions."

Seeing her mother like this and her father still in a coma, Zhi'er knew the seriousness of the matter, so she nodded quickly: "I see, don't worry, mother, I know the seriousness."

Zhi'er has always been sensible, she will never say anything that should not be said, she is very relieved.

After a while, Lianxiang came back, bringing back the medicine she grabbed from the medicine hall.

"Ma'am, since Mrs. Guan is not here, why don't the servants fry the medicine first?"

Dina waved her hand: "No need, Mrs. Guan is concocting alchemy for Master Hou. It is almost ready. She will come over in a while. You put the medicine down, and it won't be too late for her to use it after she has seen it."

Lianxiang nodded, and then glanced at Tianhu on the bed, her sleeves were clenched tightly, her palms were clammy and cold.

"Ma'am, why is Master Hou still awake? Is Madam's medical skills really good? Do you want this servant to invite another doctor?" Lianxiang said to Dina.

Dina raised her eyes to look at Lianxiang, it was a very familiar face, but at this moment, she looked so strange, as if suddenly changed to a different person, someone she didn't know at all.

"No need, I believe Mrs. Guan, she will be able to cure Lord Hou."

(End of this chapter)

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