Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 1442 You Are From Tiger Garden

Chapter 1442 You Are From Tiger Garden
Chapter 1458

Dina stared at Lianxiang's face, thinking of what Tianhu said just now, she felt that she should be given a chance, after all, master and servant.

"Lianxiang, I see that your complexion is not very good, what happened at home?"

Lianxiang was stunned for a moment, her heartbeat quickened, she laughed dryly twice: "Madam is worrying too much, there is nothing wrong with the maidservant's house."

Dina snorted: "I'm just asking casually, you don't have to take it to heart, but let me remind you, you are from Huyuan, if you have any difficulties, just tell me, I will definitely make the decision for you .”

Lianxiang became more and more sure that she had been exposed. It was just a guess before, but now it is almost certain that Madam would never say these things to her on weekdays. It cannot be just a coincidence that she suddenly said such things today.

You know, the Tiger Garden is now in a mess, how can Madam care about her family, she clearly knows something.

Madam didn't take her down because there is no evidence to confirm, otherwise, she probably wouldn't have the chance to stand here again.

"Madam, this servant understands that if something happens, this servant will definitely not hide it from Madam." It seems that the matter must be done as soon as possible, otherwise, there will be no chance.

Dina felt sorry, she was planning to go all the way to the dark, that is, courting death.

"Lianxiang, now that things are going on, do you still have to be stubborn?" Qi Rongyue stood at the door at some point, heard the conversation between Dina and Lianxiang, and immediately shouted.

Lianxiang was slightly startled, her face was as pale as paper, and she said in a trembling voice: "Guan, Madam Guan, what do you mean by that?"

"What do I mean by this, don't you know? You just went out to grab medicine, where you went, who you met, and what you said. We all know it clearly. Madam is talking about a scene with your master and servant." Come on, I gave you a chance to confess, but you pretended to be stupid, what is your intention?" Qi Rongyue supported Zheng Zhongwen beside her with one hand while supporting her exhausted body, and scolded at Lianxiang.

Lianxiang's legs softened, and she knelt down on the ground with a plop, tears streaming down her face continuously: "Madam, Madam Guan, this servant deserves to die, she did something she shouldn't do, but this servant, this servant is also forced to do so, please forgive me Slaves."

Without waiting for Dina to speak, Qi Rongyue said again: "Forgive? Why? For what reason? You killed Lord Hou first, and then you killed the little prince who trusted and relied on you. If you do this, what right do you have to say? Forgive the word?"

Lianxiang hurriedly waved her hand: "No, no, this servant did not kill Lord Hou, that person, that person asked me to prick the Baihui acupuncture point of Lord Hou with a poisonous needle, but I did not do so, the poison in the young master is only a small amount of croton There will be no serious problems, slave girl, slave girl just wants to delay for some time and save my parents, slave girl really doesn't want to murder Lord Hou and Young Master."

Qi Rongyue's condensed complexion softened a little, and Chao Lianxiang said again: "Since you don't mean to hurt others, why didn't you say anything when Madam asked you about your family just now? Since you refused to say it, you bumped into that person again Head, back to this mansion, I'm afraid there is still something to do."

Up to now, Lianxiang no longer dared to hide anything, "Madam Guan, the reason why this servant refused to say anything just now is because the father and mother of this servant are still in the hands of that person, if I don't do what he said, my father will There is only one way to die, mother."

Yuan Bao was so angry that he really wanted to take out the whip and beat her hard.

"The life of your parents is your life, but the life of Lord Hou is not your life? In order to save your parents, you want to hurt other people's parents. How can you be at ease?"

(End of this chapter)

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