Chapter 1443 Lost description
Chapter 1459

Lianxiang fell to the ground and cried bitterly. These days, she has not had a good night's sleep and endured mental torture day and night. She never thought of harming anyone, but when things came to an end, she had no choice.

Human nature is selfish. When faced with a desperate situation, they will only choose conditions that are beneficial to themselves.

She also thought about telling Madam about the matter, and begging Madam to help her save her family back home, but seeing that Master Hou was seriously injured and Madam took care of him in untidy clothes, the house also fell into chaos.

She didn't know if Master Hou would survive. If Master Hou couldn't survive in the first place, then what's the use of her begging Madam?Madam may not be able to help her.

After several considerations, she decided to take a risk, not only to save her parents, but also to fight for her own future. If it worked out and her parents escaped danger, she would also get a lot of money. At that time, she could be with her parents. The mother took the money and flew away.

But looking at it now, her thoughts are really ridiculous. She can't save her parents, and she can't save herself, let alone change her fate.

For a moment, her heart was as silent as death, her future was bleak, and she seemed to have no life left. Since this is the case, why should she continue to live in the world, being looked down upon and ridiculed by others, tortured and tortured, and suffering unbearable pain.

In an instant, sadness came from her, and the shadow of death completely enveloped her, and she didn't know where to generate a surge of anger. With this energy, she quickly got up and threw herself at the beam beside her with all her strength.

Seeing this, Qi Rongyue waved her plain hand, and several golden glows shot out from her fingers, and pierced Lianfu's knees with precision. Her knees were limp, and she fell forward and fell to the ground, her hair in a bun. Scattered, lost in description.

"Why don't you let me die, I'm damned, let me die."

Qi Rongyue walked slowly in front of Lianxiang, her eyes sparkled, she couldn't tell what kind of emotion it was, she stared at Lianxiang who fell on the ground, Lianxiang stopped crying immediately with her cold voice.

"You are not even afraid of death, are you still afraid of living? Only cowards will seek death when they encounter troubles, and ask for a hundred, clean, poor white-haired people, who managed to bring up their children, but they are useless cowards When encountering difficult things, they thought of abandoning their parents to seek death, letting them stay in this world and bear the pain of the white-haired person sending the black-haired person. What will happen to the parents who fall into the hands of the enemy?"

Lianxiang stopped crying, in fact, she couldn't cry anymore.

Parents are already over sixty years old, and they are both old. She is not their biological daughter, but they take care of her as their own child, and enter the tiger garden as a servant. Parents never agree, they just want to find her In-law's family, so that she can live a stable life earlier.

But she couldn't bear to see her father and mother continue to endure poverty and hunger. If she got married, she would not be able to change the life of her parents, so she resolutely entered the Tiger Garden as a servant and gave her father all the monthly money she got every month. mother.

But the parents were not willing to spend a cent, so they helped her save all of it, saying that they would leave it for her to marry in the future as a dowry.

She raised her tear-stained face, "Mrs. Guan, I have no other choice. I never thought of harming anyone. It was him. He forced me. My parents are old and can't bear torment, so I just ,I just--"

Rong Yue nodded: "I understand your difficulties, but what you did was indeed wrong, you made an unforgivable big mistake, do you understand?"

Lianxiang drooped her eyes, tears could not stop falling again: "I understand."

(End of this chapter)

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