Chapter 1447 Secret Transfer
Chapter 1463

Qi Rongyue came out behind Lianxiang, she said: "That ancient style is also very strange, what's even more strange is that both of them are under the housekeeper's hand, and they have just been in the mansion for less than a month, say less than a month, One day is one month, and ten days is not one month."

Yuan Bao nodded: "That's right, the butler is also very suspicious, so I'll go find him right now."

Lianxiang hurriedly said: "I'm afraid I can't find him now."

Yuan Bao was puzzled: "How?"

Lianxiang explained: "The housekeeper took sick leave yesterday and is not in the mansion."

Coincidentally, what a coincidence.

There have never been so many coincidences in this world.

Yuan Bao looked at Qi Rongyue and asked, "Then what should we do now?"

Rong Yue lightly smiled: "Leading the snake out of the cave, don't they want to come and serve Lord Hou closely, then let them come."

An hour later, both Gu Feng and Li Si were notified to go to the upper room to serve Lord Hou tomorrow morning.

Dina is very worried. With the appearance of Lord Hou now, he has no ability to protect himself. Even if someone tries to harm him, he can't resist. Putting two people with obvious problems by his side will make her feel at ease.

Rong Yue patted the back of her hand, said with a light smile: "Don't worry, I'm in charge of everything, I will never let Lord Hou have any problems, stay in the room with Shu'er and Zhi'er tomorrow, don't come out, Yuan Bao will send someone to protect you, don't worry, nothing will happen."

Dina nodded: "Okay, I believe you."

That night, Rong Yue and Yuan Bao secretly transferred Tianhu, and then made a human skin mask for Zheng Zhongwen to wear, and asked him to pretend to be Tianhu and lie on the bed to pretend to be sick.

In the early morning of the next day, Gu Feng and Li Si came to report at the same time. Yuan Bao hurriedly explained some things and then left, asking them to take care of Lord Hou. He will come back in the afternoon.

At this moment, there were other servants in the room, and the two of them started to work separately. Gu Feng took a copper basin, filled it with hot water, and planned to wipe his body for Master Hou.

The maid on the side hurriedly said: "You don't need to wipe it. I just wiped it this morning and changed my clothes. You can just look at it. Xiaoli and I have already done other things."

Li Si coughed twice more, and stared at the maid curiously: "You all did it? Then what do we two do? One tael of silver a day, is it so easy to earn?"

The maid smiled and said, "Why is there nothing to do? I heard that someone wanted to hurt Lord Hou. Xiao Li and I are both girls. If someone really wants to hurt Lord Hou, what can we do? Madam is now ill. Well, General Yuan Bao can't stay here all the time, there are still many things waiting for him to deal with in the barracks, so he managed to pick a few servants from the mansion to be on duty, didn't General Yuan Bao just say that? ? Just let you stay safe."

Li Si took a look at Gu Feng, and Gu Feng was also looking at him. As soon as their eyes met, they immediately moved away. Gu Feng asked with a smile: "We received such an errand when we first came to the mansion. General Yuan Bao is really a good man."

The maid said, "It's not just you two, there are two vigils at night, and there are two other candidates. I chose you because you are young. I didn't choose the older one. The two at night He is also a young man about your age."

Li Si and Gu Feng suddenly nodded, so that's the case, just now I thought it was weird, why did they choose them, this Tiger Garden is not empty.

The maid's explanation reassured them a lot, it seems that they are not superior in any way, but only in their youth.

(End of this chapter)

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