Chapter 1448
Chapter 1464

The maid went out after cleaning the window, only Gu Feng and Li Si were left in the room.

Gu Feng said to Li Si: "The water in this teapot is cold, go and make a new one."

Li Si sneered: "What? Are you really treating yourself like an onion? I am also someone you can command at will?"

Gu Feng snorted, "Don't forget, in the Tiger Garden, I'm the one giving orders. You sick child, you'd better be obedient and obedient, and you can still be credited for your contribution, if not—"

Li Si raised his eyebrows: "If not, so what?"

"You'll know if you try it, so I advise you, it's better not to try it. There are some things, once you try it, you won't even have a chance to regret it."

Li Si's cold eyes glowed fiercely, "Some things, if you don't try, you will never know right or wrong, and you will never know what the consequences will be."

"As for me, I am naturally adventurous." Before he finished speaking, he had already drawn out his dagger.

Gu Feng sneered: "For a thousand taels of gold, it seems that you don't intend to kill yourself."

Li Si snorted, "It's as if you didn't come here for the thousand taels of gold."

While speaking, the two had already exchanged hands. For the convenience of concealment, the weapons they carried were short daggers, which were suitable for close combat. The space in the room was small, so they could only fight close.

Zheng Zhongwen's eyes opened a slit quietly, thinking that these two people really can't wait, but it's good, save him from lying on the bed and pretending to be sick, which is much more difficult than fighting with someone, very uncomfortable.

Let them continue to fight, it is best to fight to the death, and it saves him a lot of energy.

Gu Feng is agile, fierce and deadly with swords and knives, Li Si is insidious and cunning, and his knives and knives go sideways. The two are equally skilled. No wonder neither of them obeys the other. They both want to take Tianhu's life with their own hands and get the thousand taels of reward .

No matter how close you are, there will always be a winner and loser. Gufeng practiced hard-core kung fu, young and strong.

Although Li Si is also young, his body is far less strong than Gu Feng. After a hundred rounds, he began to lose his strength, while Gu Feng became more and more courageous as he fought.

Li Si knew that he was invincible, but he still gritted his teeth and persisted. He was never a person who would easily admit defeat, and he believed that it was obviously impossible to win against Gu Feng, so if he wanted to win against him, he had to Can go sideways.

With all his strength, Li Si raised his dagger and made a false move in front of Gu Feng, but Gu Feng didn't notice, and tried his best to catch it, but Li Si withdrew his hand halfway through the move, turned and moved aside, Throw the hidden weapon with a flick of your hand.

The hidden weapon was poisoned, and it shone with a faint blue light in the sun, like clusters of will-o'-the-wisps in the dark night and deep mountains, cold and gloomy.

With a sound of '噗呲', the blue hexagonal hidden weapon pierced Gu Feng's chest, he looked at his chest in shock, the overflowing blood changed color due to poison, and soaked his azure gown.

Gu Feng fell down slowly, pointed at Li Si's face, his mouth was open, but he couldn't speak.

"Take less effort, this is a red crane, if you see blood sealing your throat, you are dead." Li Si smiled triumphantly at the corner of his mouth.

Gu Feng stared at Li Si with rounded eyes, black blood flowed from all seven orifices, and his lips turned blue and black, his death was terrifying.

Li Si stopped looking at him, and slowly got up and walked towards the bed. That half-dead man was worth a thousand taels of gold. With this 1000 taels of gold, he could go wherever he wanted and live the life he wanted.

(End of this chapter)

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