Chapter 1449 Die faster

Chapter 1465

No longer have to be subdued and manipulated by others.

He slowly raised the dagger in his hand, as long as the knife is cut down, his dream can be realized.

However, his dagger was still unable to stab, and the sharp tip stopped in the air, shining with dazzling light.

Li Si's eyes were very round, and his eyes changed from surprise to panic, but only in an instant.

At this moment, he wanted to retreat, but it was too late, his hand was held by the man, with such strength that he couldn't even move it.

He wanted to do the same trick again, using his other free hand to throw the poisonous concealed weapon, but before he could take out the concealed weapon, his hand was held again by the man, and there was a crisp click, His hand bones were easily broken.

Zheng Zhongwen sat up, twisted his other hand again, and the dagger fell in response. In the blink of an eye, he crippled his two hands, then raised his leg and kicked Li Si's thighbone with the other, and there was another 'click' At the sound of rubbing, Li Si's leg bones also broke, and he collapsed to the ground, unable to get up again.

"Want to kill me?" Zheng Zhongwen got off the bed, staring at Li Si coldly, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

At this time, General Yuan Bao and a woman came in from the outside, and there was also a maid, a woman he was very familiar with, Lian Xiang.

It turned out to be her, she had betrayed them.

Yuan Bao glanced at the dead Gufeng on the ground, shook his head and sighed: "It's true that people die for wealth, and birds die for food."

Qi Rongyue smiled and said: "It's normal, everyone has to survive." She turned to look at Li Si, "Are you surprised, how come Lord Hou, who was clearly critically ill, suddenly recovered?"

Li Si endured the pain and snorted coldly: "Stop talking nonsense, kill or cut, it's up to you."

Rong Yue shrugged: "You are already a prisoner, if you want to be killed or cut, of course it is up to us, do you still have a choice for you?"

"But if you cooperate a bit, maybe you can consider letting you die a little easier."

Li Si sneered: "Want to pry something out of my mouth? I advise you to die. Although I, Li Si, am afraid of death, I am not so stupid that I can't see the situation clearly. I am dead anyway. Why bother?" Too many tongues?"

Rong Yue raised her eyebrows: "It's a stubborn one, yes, then I will help you." She knelt down, held a golden needle between her fingers, and thrust the golden needle into her Mugu acupoint, which is a numb acupoint. Whole needle penetration can paralyze the whole body and make people unconscious.

However, if the needle only pierced half of the Mugu acupoint, it would not be full numbness, but half numbness and half pain. That kind of feeling is not very painful, but it must be uncomfortable, and it is uncomfortable that cannot be described in words.

Just like a person with constipation who squats in a latrine for half an hour, his legs must be half numb and half painful, and that's just the discomfort of his legs.

But at this time, what Li Si had to bear was to cover every part of his body.

Coupled with the pain of breaking both arms and right leg, it is not an exaggeration to describe this feeling as worse than death.

He wanted to bite his tongue to kill himself, but he couldn't exert any strength, he could only struggle in this endless pain.

"How does it taste?" Rong Yue looked at Li Si in front of her coldly.

She has never been a cruel and unfeeling person. She can do everything she can to her friends and relatives. Even if she treats a stranger, she can treat her sincerely and do her best to help her. But she will never treat her enemies. Soft hands, she clearly knows that if you don't kill these people, they will try their best to harm you.

(End of this chapter)

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