Chapter 1451 From Dongli?

Chapter 1467

Rong Yue stared at Li Si, and asked again: "So, you are also from Dongli?"

Li Si nodded: "Yes, I am the subordinate of Shopkeeper Qian, and I have always been."

Rong Yue and Zhong Wen looked at each other, and both sighed silently. They still hoped to know something about the capital from Li Si's mouth, and it seemed hopeless.

Yuan Bao said to the hands behind him: "It's tied, lock it up first."

Li Si was quickly taken away, Gu Feng's body was dragged away, and the house became clean and peaceful again.

But it is difficult for everyone to calm down in their hearts.

Shangguan Tuo's hand has already reached here, so in the entire Chu Dynasty, where is there that he can't reach?

Yuan Bao asked, "What shall we do next?"

Rongyue thought for a while, she had many ideas in her mind, many feasible paths, but in order to get things done as soon as possible, she denied those conservative paths one by one, and now, there was only the last path left.

"I will discuss with Dina and release the false news that Lord Hou died of illness, and then you and Zhongwen will disguise themselves as Li Sihe and Gufeng to go to the Dagu Medicine Hall to connect with the Qiantang Cabinet. It counts as much as you can get out, and when he becomes suspicious, take it down immediately. We must know how many people are in the Shangguan Party in Xijiang, and control the line that connects them with Shangguantuo. Then we will use this Returning to Beijing by one line, caught Shangguantuo by surprise, although it may not be successful, but this is the only feasible way at the moment."

Yuan Bao has been a general for many years, and he knows that although Rongyue's method looks dangerous, as long as they take this step well, the road ahead will be much easier.

Zhong Wen said: "Once the news of Tianhu's death reaches the capital, Shangguantuo will definitely take the opportunity to appoint one of their people to replace Tianhu, and take advantage of the opportunity to take advantage of the situation to capture the troops of Xijiang. He and this method have already been suppressed. All the military power of our Chu Dynasty."

Rongyue gritted her teeth, "However I swallow it, I will make him spit it out."

Rong Yue immediately went to Dina and explained the matter in general. Dina is not stupid, knowing that only Rong Yue and Zheng Zhongwen can save their family at this time. She trusts Qi Rongyue, knows her abilities and thoughts, and is willing to bet the lives of her whole family on her.

Rong Yue patted the back of Dina's hand, and said in a low voice: "Don't worry, as long as I live for a day, I won't let you, Tianhu and two children suffer any more. My detoxification pill has been trained, Tianhu will be fine."

Dina was convinced of Rongyue's medical skills, she said nothing would happen, then it would be fine.

"I understand, you can do whatever you want. Tianhu and I will always stand by you and the prince, supporting you unconditionally."

Rong Yue was quite moved, Dina was still the same Dina she used to be, she hadn't changed at all, that's good, really good.

After inspecting Tianhu's injury, she immediately performed acupuncture for him for two weeks to remove the poison. She exhausted her energy and almost fainted in front of Tianhu's hospital bed. Even when Dina saw him, she burst into tears.

"I'm fine, don't tell Zhong Wen, I don't want him to worry." She leaned against the head of the bed, closed her eyes and adjusted her breath, her forehead was covered with sweat.

But after another two days, the white hair on her temples seems to have grown a little more.

Dina couldn't help thinking, what would happen if she had experienced these changes instead?Can she be as strong as Qi Rongyue?I'm afraid I can't!
(End of this chapter)

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